Wealth Management and the Successful Entrepreneur!

Share: Author: Ron G Holland
Author: Ron G Holland

Share: Be a Successful Entrepreneur by developing products and services that fly. It amazes me the number of business people that have crappy products and ideas and stick with them for years. Wake upif what you have is not working find a product that there is a massive demand for. This is the key to wealth management! Be a Successful Entrepreneur by becoming profit oriented. I see people all the time trying to make thing happen with slim margins. It just doesnt work. My profits went from 17% when I was selling new motorcycles to 117% when I started selling second hand motorcycles. Wow! Then they went to 1117% when I started wrecking bikes and selling them as used spares. Double Wow! Now I sell digital products, which are equally as lucrative. To be adept at wealth management you must have some beans to actually count!
Be a Successful Entrepreneur by developing cost effective marketing methods. I love guerrilla marketing because you can get a huge bang for your buck! Be a Successful Entrepreneur by learning how to harness people. Get employees and partners and associates to do what they love doing and monitor their output. Managers who know how to manage people understand wealth management. Be a Successful Entrepreneur by building a business that can actually be sold or floated. Most people walk away from their businesses on retirement because they havent been able to sell them. Be a Successful Entrepreneur by developing multiple streams of income that are all related to one another hence feeding and growing each other. Be a Successful Entrepreneur by getting serves oriented. Look after the customers you already have is a powerful mantra and the real secret of wealth management. These customers will prove to be life-long spenders if you cultivate them. Be a Successful Entrepreneur by building your own database. Years ago we used to say location, location, location. The mantra these days has changed! It is now database, database, databaseand of course wealth management! Be a Successful Entrepreneur by looking around and becoming aware. There are literally thousands of opportunities out there and they are NOT all Internet related! Be a Successful Entrepreneur by developing your mind power by thinking in pictures as much as you do in words and also harnessing the mind power of other people.About the Author:
The author of this incredible manual is none other than '...the incredible Ron G Holland
http://www.ronhollanddirect.com quite possibly the very greatest business and self development guru in Britain.'(Fleet Street Publications) He has been written up as Top Biz Guru (Making Money) and Britain's Leading Motivational speaker. (Success Now)
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