Ways to Save Money on Auto-Insurance Premiums

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Nowadays, it can be very expensive to insure drivers and their cars, regardless of age, sex or location. There are a number of ways, however, to save money on an individual's or family's auto insurance. Here are five different ways you can save money on your auto coverage
Keep Your Record Clean
One easy way to help reduce the cost of your auto insurance is to keep your driving record clean. Don't speed, run red lights and ignore stop signs. By keeping your record ticket-free, you will not only help to reduce your insurance premium, safe driving will help everyone.

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As your car ages, it may not be necessary for you to carry quite so much coverage on your auto insurance policy to protect yourself in case of an accident or theft. For example, if your car is worth less than $2,000, you may no longer need collision coverage. Also consider raising your deductible. This will help reduce your premium costs. It is important, however, to make sure any coverage options do put you at risk or may not meet your state's coverage requirements.
Ask About Insurance Options at Work
Some employers have arrangements with different insurers for their employees. Ask your Human Resources Department if there any auto insurance options available to you. Sometimes they can even do a paycheck withdrawal so you don't even have to worry about writing out a check!
Look at Safety Options when Shopping for a New Car
More and more new cars have different safety options available. Safety features such as multiple airbags and anti-theft window etching should be listed on your coverage policy. These important features will help to greatly reduce the cost of your insurance premium.
Shop Around and Ask for Discounts
Many times, individuals just stay with their same auto insurance provider, year after year without question. It is always a good idea to shop around from time to time and see what different options are available to you. When speaking with different insurance representatives, tell them you are price comparing. If you find a lower price, tell them and ask if they can do better. Often times they will not only match that price, but beat it! Let them do all they can to win your business. It is also important to ask for different discounts that are available to you as well. For example, many insurance providers offer discounts for attending driver safety courses every few years. Additionally there are sometimes discounts for being a member of an auto club, being a military veteran or grouping policies like home and life insurance with one insurer.
These are just a few of the many different ways you can save money on yourauto insurance policy. It is important to take advantage of any and all cost-saving options available to you so your premium is as low as possible.
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