Ways To Make Money Online-What Did You Expect To Find?
Ways To Make Money Online-What Did You Expect To Find
Are you using Google Analytics or some method of tracking your visitor stats? It is interesting to me how long people spend on my website.My home page is built around the theme of make money online. The average time a person spends on my site is 1 minute and 24 seconds. That is better than many websites do, but it still brings up a valid question.When you are searching for ways to make money online, what do you expect to find when you land on a top rated website?I have never been a fan of directory type of websites, but they do seem to perfom well with Google. Some of the top work at home websites are designed around a directory theme. They are filled with banners and link after link to one product or program.People who are searching for the phrase "work at home" seem to be searching more for a job than a business. I think that is why you see so many take paid surveys, data entry jobs, and type at home programs.People who are searching for the phrase "work at home business" are looking for an opportunity to make money at home building a business fo their own. These people expect to make an investment of some kind to get started.This is an important distinction to make if you are in in the work at home niche. Sending people to a free survey site, and getting paid when they join and complete a survey is totally different than trying to sign someone up for a business opportunity.From a searcher's point of view people looking for ways to make money online usually do not know what they are looking for. This explains why people do not spend very long on any particular website.Even websites that rank very high on Google are not able to keep traffic for a long period of time. As a website owner this is kind of depressing when you think about it.This is why so much emphasis as is put on building a mailing list. You know people are going to leave your site fairly quickly, so if you can get their name and email address you can follow up in the future.Content websites do tend to perform well regardless of whether people are searching for a work at home job or a work at home business. People will stay on sites longer if it contains good content that they find interesting.This is why you are seeing more people go to blog style websites. It's easier to get people to subscribe to your RSS feed than it is to get them to join a mailing list.This gives you a chance to update your ways to make money online more consistently than if you had to build web pages. And you can cover more topics which will help you give people exactly what they are looking for.