Ways Of Getting Cheap Car Insurance

Share: Most people find that one of their biggest expenses for driving is their insurance
. And young people find that to be especially true. It may be tempting to stick with the insurance company you're with now, but doing some shopping around may save you a good little bit of money.
Shop Around And Compare - One of the best things you can do is to research several companies online. You can get quotes from several companies on just one website. All you need to do is fill out one easy form. If you go to sites like Parkers, or Confuse.com, or Gocompare.com, you can get a good idea of what the cheapest rates currently on the market are.
Secure The Car - Put security devices on your car. Add wheel locks before you go to get insurance. Make sure the insurance company KNOWS it if you put your car in a garage at night. Take some driving qualification tests such as 'Pass Plus'. This will help to lower your insurance costs and nail down some favorable rates. If you are a low mileage driver, then let the insurance company know it.
Buy New - There are times when a manufacturer will throw in some insurance to sweeten the deal. So as a young driver it doesn't hurt to ask your dealer about it. But be sure and check the premiums first, as they may require you to take their finance package as well in order to get the insurance.

Share: Named Drivers - Sometimes it help to add an unblemished driver to your policy. Having a responsible person's name on there can many times get your premiums lowered. This is not the same as 'fronting', which is an illegal practice where parents are put down as main drivers of the vehicle, but really aren't. This can land you in serious legal trouble if they find you out.
Ask About Benefits - When you ask about your insurance policies, many companies will in turn offer a lot of extra things in order to boost the price. Some of these things may be useful, but you need to ask yourself if you actually need them and if they're worth the extra cost.
Payments - If you go through any supermarket chain for getting your insurance, then take advantage of the cash back system or a loyalty card for saving money. It won't make you rich, but it makes a difference.
Ask - Simply come out and ask about benefits and discounts. It's their job to inform you and to make these offers to you. So don't be backward, just ask.
Talk To The Insurers - For many it's just easier to deal with the broker and never make contact with the insurer. But brokers have fees attached to their services. So it could be cheaper to deal directly with your provider.
Monthly or Annually? - Lots of people choose the monthly option almost automatically for paying their premiums. But they don't consider the extra costs from administration fees and interest charges. Paying more up-front can save you money over time.
by: Nancy poul
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