Water purification is the process of purify the west water. It is the most demanding activity for querying our water resources and nature also. All the country of the world
Are engaged in saving their water resources. They are utilizing and reclining again and again and this activity possible only through the help of water treatment plants.
Water treatment plants are those facilities that treat water, ground water or surface water, and produce potable water for public consumption or provide primary treatment and produce. "industrial water." A wastewater discharge permit is typically required when the treatment of the raw water results in a discharge of wastewater (e.g., backwash) to surface water. Ecology has issued an NPDES general permit for water treatment plants and eligible facilities are required to apply for coverage. The Water Treatment Plant (WTP) General Permit.
Water treatment plants that apply filtration processes, discharge to surface water, and have the capacity to produce at least 50,000 gallons per day of drinking water require coverage under this general permit. An application for coverage must be completed and submitted to Ecology. Please contact the "Permit Coordinator" at the appropriate Ecology Regional Office (list and map) if you have questions about applying for coverage under the water treatment plant general permit. You may obtain a copy of the application from the regional office or download an application below.
The water treatment facility must have a maximum production capacity of at least 50,000 gallons per day of treated drinking water or industrial water. Maximum production capacity is the amount of treated water that a treatment facility is designed to produce at peak output and 24-hour production.