Watching Born To Be Wild 3d Online

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Watching Born To Be Wild 3d Online
The documentary adventure Born to Be Wild 3D illustrates the remarkable bond between humans and animals, and the love and dedication they have for each other. The IMAX 3D format allowed director David Lickley to transport moviegoers into both the rainforests of Borneo, with world-renowned primatologist Dr. Birut Mary Galdikas and her orangutans, and across the Kenyan savannah, with celebrated elephant authority Dr. Dame Daphne M. Sheldrick and her elephants, as they and their teams rescue, rehabilitate and return these incredible animals back to the wild.
In this recent exclusive phone interview with Collider, David Lickley talked about why hes an animal person, his 20 years of working on wildlife-related film projects, why these orphaned animals were such a heartwarming subject, using 3D to immerse the audience in the experience, why its so important for people to be more aware of the natural world and what they can do to preserve it, and why he wants to focus on China and the giant panda for his next IMAX project. Check out what he had to say after the jump:
Question: How did you get involved with Born to Be Wild for IMAX 3D?
DAVID LICKLEY: This project originated with the producer, Drew Fellman, who had been to Borneo and seen the orangutan situation over there, just as a tourist, and thought, at the time, that it would be a really good IMAX project. He brought it to IMAX and Warner Bros., and once they got going, they came to me and said, Would you like to direct it? This is my fourth IMAX wildlife film. So, I said, Sure! Its a perfect film for what I like to do, in terms of getting these stories across. It was an opportunity that came, that I thought was great.
Have you always been interested in animals and their behavior, and how they interact with humans?
LICKLEY: Yeah. I have a Masters degree in biology. I studied animal behavior in grad school. Ive been working on wildlife-related film projects for 20 years. Ive done four IMAX film projects that relate to animals. In IMAX, Ive worked with Jane Goodall and chimpanzees, Ive worked with bears, Ive worked with the return of the lake sturgeon to the Great Lakes. Im an animal person. Thats what I study and thats what I like to tell the stories of, and especially the people that are involved with these animals, who really are at the front lines of saving these kinds of species.
What was it about these orphaned animals that you thought would make for an interesting story to show people?
LICKLEY: There are two things about it. When youre in these orphanages, you see these animals and you pick them up, and you see the way the caregivers work with them. Its heart-rending, on many levels. You identify with them, when you go there. You go, Oh, my god, this is an amazing story and an amazing animal. But, beyond that, the two characters Daphne Sheldrick and Birute Galdikas pioneered this whole orphanage concept with elephants and orangutans, and have spent 40 plus years, out there in the wild, trying to make this work. These are pioneers and legends, really. Having the privilege of telling their stories is what makes this film work. Profile is all-important when youre trying to keep things, like organizations, going that are out there in the wildlife sector. Birutes work is one of those untold stories. She was one of the three ape angels that were sent out by Louis Leakey, back in the 1960s and 1970s, to study apes. He felt that you could learn a lot from ape studies, in terms of his anthropological work, so he sent Jane Goodall to study chimps, he sent Dian Fossey to study gorillas, and he sent Birute Galdikas to study orangutans. Those other two stories have been fairly well told. Jane has a huge profile. Ive already worked with her on one IMAX film. But, with Birutes work, its harder to film the orangutans than it is to film the chimps and the gorillas. She toiled in these jungles of Indonesia, following through on what Louis sent her to do, which was to understand orangutans. Then, that morphed for her beyond just understanding into trying to do something and taking on the role of caregiver, and starting up her orphanage and getting these animals back to the wild. Thats what shes all about. The most important factor in all of that is the habitat. She is trying to save the habitat in which these animals live because, without the habitat, there will not be wild orangutans.
What are the biggest challenges of shooting in these remote places, and approaching it so that you dont become too intrusive with the cameras? Watch Born to be Wild 3D Online
LICKLEY: Our cameras are impossible not to be intrusive with. Its an IMAX 3D system. The film camera weighs 300 pounds. The new digital version that David Douglas, the DoP, built with IMAX is a silent 100 pound version, but its still not small, and it takes two or three people just to manage the camera system. Youre not stealth shooting, so youve got to pick a subject matter that really is not going to be too intimidated by the fact that theyve got this camera in front of them when youre filming. These animals were perfect because they are orphans or ex-orphans, so theyre used to people. Theyre not going to run away when you get in there. And, theyre fairly patient. They let you set up for a day or two and, when they want to do something, theyll do it. If youre in the right area and theyre there, they ignore you after awhile because theyre used to seeing people. Were not stealth-shooting. Its not BBC, going off into the wilds and hiding out in the forest for a month, hoping to see something. Our format would never work that way. You just cant get the footage. We picked the right animals to work with, for sure.
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