Want To Be A Ninja? Here Are The 5 Areas Of Power Development In The Ninja's Martial Art Of Ninjutsu

Share: One of the things that keeps the martial art of ninjutsu on top of the proverbial
martial arts "food chain," at least in the mind of those who are attracted to this dynamic and mutli-faceted combat system, is the apparent never-ending levels of power and energy that the ninja seem to possess. They also seem to be like the Energizer Bunny in black night suits!
Have you ever wondered how the ninja generates, maintains, and directs the amount of energy that must be needed to follow the instructions of Ninja Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi, 34 generation head of the Togakure Ryu of Ninjutsu and leader of the International Bujinkan Dojo, when he reminds us to, "keep going!"
Regardless of whether or not you've ever thought about it, if you want to be a Ninja and have the same abilities the shadow warrior is famous for, you MUST start now to do those things that will give you more of the same energy that you'll need. If you don't do these things - ALL of these things - you simply will not be doing what must be done to allow your body and mind to be conditioned and ready for the training that the art of ninjutsu demands!
The 5 areas of ninja power and energy development include:

Share: 1) Diet - conscious effort to monitor the body's health as it relates to the effects that different foods and combinations of foods have on it. Your body is like a giant battery and it needs a host of nutrients in the right balance to perform the hundreds of chemical processes that go on every minute of every day.
2) Water - the truth is that most people operate in a state of or near dehydration. Your cells are supposed to be 70 - 80% water to function at peak performance. And, since our body is only as strong as the weakest part of it, we must make sure that we are thinking about power development on a cellular level. By the time you feel tired, dehydrated, or ill- it's too late!
3) Exercise - this is directly related to metabolism and the ability for your body to move fluids and energy throughout itself. The ninja's junan taiso, "body conditioning exercises," counter the body's natural tendency to come to rest and be lazy. We must keep our energy levels high by building the necessary muscle that will natural increase our metabolic rate, and increase our level of flexibility so as to increase the circulation and work of the endocrine system in moving the nutrients around that came in through diet.
4) Breathing - just as the body needs base nutrients and water for increased health and energy, it also needs to be able to bring in the oxygen that it needs, as-well as expel the waste gases that poison it. The truth is that, at least in the West, most adults over the age of 20 are shallow breathers. That means that they only use about 30% of their potential lung capacity.
5) Meditation - the mind and its health is just as important to a ninja as the rest of the body. In fact, they are two parts of a singular whole and cannot be separated. Methods of meditative practice should be used to focus and direct the mind, for increased insight and observation, and other general, overall feelings of peace, relaxation, and a sense of calm.
by: Jeffrey Miller
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Want To Be A Ninja? Here Are The 5 Areas Of Power Development In The Ninja's Martial Art Of Ninjutsu