Voith - China Train Wash Machine - Autobase--news Manufacturer

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Corporate organisation
The Voith Group consists of four commercial sectors: Voith Paper, Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation, Voith Turbo, and Voith Industrial Services. Overall management of the group is provided by the Voith AG executive board which serves a management-holding, being supported by a stockholder committee as well as a supervisory board.
Voith Paper
Voith Paper is a leading supplier in the international paper industry, supporting all aspects of the paper-making process from fibers to end products. Voith Paper's product portfolio includes machines for newsprint paper, protective and specialised papers (decorative paper, thermal paper, cigarette paper, tissue paper) as well as graphic papers, sanitary papers and cardboard. Worldwide, one third of the global paper production is performed on Voith Paper production systems.
Voith Paper Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Heidenheim, Germany. Divisions: Fiber & Environmental Solutions, Paper Machines, Fabric and Roll Systems, and Automation.
Revenues (2008/09)
aprx. 1.7 billion
Percentage of total group revenues
Fiber & Environmental Solutions
Paper Machines
Process solutions for the production of graphic papers, board & packaging papers, tissue, specialty papers
Complete systems for new and existing machines, as well as solutions for upgrades and rebuilds
Fabric & Roll Systems
The Fabric & Roll Systems Division provides forming press and dryer fabrics, as well as press sleeves; roll covers and coatings; service for complex rolls, cylinders and components; on-site service; measuring technology; diagnostic solutions; and roll design and optimization
Voith Hydro
Voith Hydro (former Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation) is a joint venture between Voith and Siemens, which is now a leading complete-system supplier for hydropower stations. Currently, a third of the world hydroelectric power is produced with turbines and generators from Voith Hydro including major projects such as: Niagara Falls (1903), Itaipu (1976), and Three Gorges Dam (2003)
Voith Hydro GmbH & Co. KG, Heidenheim, Germany
Large Scale Projects, Small Hydro, Control and Automation Technologies, Integrated Service
Revenues (2008/09)
aprx. 1.1 billion
Percentage of total group revenues
Comprehensive equipment for hydroelectric power stations: Francis turbine, Pelton turbine and Kaplan turbines, as well as pump turbines.
Generators or generator-motor units for all turbine types, sensor and diagnostic systems, frequency converters, safety systems, switching systems for all voltages and transformers. Automated operations and control systems for power stations, remote control stations, optimization and diagnostic systems.
Consulting, engineering, assembly and commissioning. Servicing and modernization of existing hydroelectric power stations. Storage pumps, as well as radial, semi-axial and axial flow pumps.
Voith Turbo
Voith Turbo specialises in mechanical, hydrodynamic, electric and electronic propulsion, as well as braking systems. Worldwide, these systems are used in industrial plants, as well as in road and rail vehicles. In the field of turbo-transmission, Voith Turbo-Transmissions is the world market leader. The Voith Retarder, is one of the best known hydrodynamic braking systems and is found in many utility vehicles. In addition, other Voith drive systems, such as the Voith Schneider Propeller, are used by marine vessels.
Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG, Heidenheim, Germany
Industrial, Road, Rail, Marine, and Trading
Revenues (2008/09)
aprx. 1.2 billion
Percentage of total group revenues
Industrial products: Hydrodynamic clutches, adjustable hydrodynamic clutches, adjustable planetary gearing Vorecon , torque-converters, mechanical clutches, hydrostatic components, Hirth spur gearing, high-duty universal shafts, safety clutches, elastic clutches, control systems for steam and gas turbines.
Road products: Automatic transmissions for buses, hydrodynamic retarders and shock absorbers for buses and utility vehicles.
Rail products: Drive systems for rail vehicles such as turbo-transmissions, bogie transmissions, anti-slip differentials, universal shafts, cooling systems, Scharfenberg clutches (automatic, semi-permanent) as well as bumpers and locomotive technologies.
Marine products: Voith Schneider Propellers, Voith Water Tractors, Voith Cycloidal Rudders, Voith Turbo Fins, and Voith Water Jets.
In 2005 Voith Turbo started production of its Voith Maxima and Voith Gravita series of locomotives; transitioning from a component supplier to a full vehicle supplier.. On 23 December 2008, the Voith Maxima - 40 C' C' diesel locomotive was officially approved for traffic by the German Federal Railway Authority.
Voith Industrial Services
Voith Industrial Services is one of the leading suppliers of technical services covering: Industrial maintenance, technical cleaning, engineering, industrial assembly, facility management and process management. These services are provided through Voith's subsidiary companies: DIW Deutsche Industriewartung AG, the Premier Group, and Hrmann Industrial Technologies.
Voith Industrial Services Holding GmbH, Heidenheim, Germany. Divisions: Facility Service, Process Service
Revenues (2008/09)
aprx. 1,0 billion
Percentage of total group revenues
Facility services
On-site facility management, technical cleaning and maintenance of production systems for all major industrial sectors.
Process services
Comprehensive production processing services tailored to individual industries, including: production planning, engineering, assembly, maintenance and the modernization of machinery or production systems.
The Voith family
Johann Matthus Voith
In 1825, Johann Matthus Voith (18031874) took over the machining workshop with five craftsmen from his father Johannes in Heidenheim, Germany, which today is the still the site of Voith's headquarters. In the original workshop, tooling and spare parts were produced for local paper and textile mills.
In the mid 1800s, Johann Matthus Voith began developing spinning machines, wool reprocessing machines and printing presses. In 1848, he began working with the Heidenheim paper producer Heinrich Voelter (18171887), with the common goal of mass producing paper via a new method using wood pulp processing. Here, Johann Matthus Voith refined this new process, and in 1859 he created the first "Raffineur", a machine that refined the raw wood pulp and thereby significantly improved the quality of paper products. When his son Friedrich Voith (18401913) eventually took over the company, it had 30 employees.
Friedrich Voith
Friedrich Voith was also an innovator: designing and building his own version of a Voith wood grinder for the Uhingen paper mill, and improving the design of the original Raffineur. In 1869, he was awarded his first patent for this new design. The new pulp processing machine further enhanced the quality of paper, making large scale production possible and laying the cornerstone for modern newspaper publishing.
At about the same time, Friedrich Voith decided to begin working on water-driven turbines, and in 1870, the first Voith turbine was delivered. In 1873, the first Francis turbine was produced, and in the same year Friedrich Voith was awarded a Medal of Achievement for his innovations at the World Fair in Vienna. Thereafter, Voith decided to move beyond the production of individual components for paper machines. In 1881, he built a new machining plant, the Maschinenfabrik J. M. Voith, and he delivered the first complete paper-making machine to his customer Raitelhuber, Bezner & Cie. in Gemmrigheim, Germany.
By the end of the 1800s, Friedrich Voith was busy developing new business contacts in Europe and overseas. His company, now offered machinery covering the entire spectrum of paper production and it was the market leader. In recognition of his accomplishments, in 1890, King Karl I of Wrttemberg selected Voith to join his economic council. Later in 1903, Friedrich Voith founded the first Voith subsidiary in St. Plten, Austria. At the time of Friedrich Voith's death in 1913, his production plants in Heidenheim and St. Plten employed over 3,000 people - including his three sons, Walther, Hermann and Hanns, who also worked in different parts of the company.
Walther and Hermann Voith
Following the death of Friedrich Voith, his sons Walther (18741947), Hermann (18781942) and Hanns Voith (18851971) jointly managed the company.
Walther Voith took charge of the St. Plten plant with 230 employees. Hermann Voith managed the overall commercial affairs from the Heidenheim factory, and Hanns headed the technical department in Heidenheim. Together, they expanded the company role in industrial drive technologies, and in 1929 Voith produced the first hydrodynamic clutch and transmission using the Fttinger Principle.
Hanns Voith
After the deaths of his older brothers, Hanns Voith assumed sole ownership of the company. Following World War II, Hannes Voith and Hugo Rupf, who served as Executive Board Chairman, then launched the company into a new phase of growth. Under Hanns Voith's leadership, the development and construction of paper-making machines reached a new record. Voith also began its international expansion, investments in other businesses were made, and some company take-overs occurred. A milestone during this period was the founding of the Voith S.A. in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1964. Shortly afterwards, Hanns Voith died on 7 January 1971.
Voith is one of largest family-run businesses in Europe, and is still owned by Hanns Voith's family members, although they no longer take operational control of the company. Today, the company is directed by a management-holding from its headquarters in Heidenheim, Germany.
Company history
The Voith AG began as a small craftsman's workshop in the former Kingdom of Wrttemberg. In 1825, Johann Matthus Voith took over this workshop from his father Johannes, which employed five craftsmen, and made tooling and spare parts for local mills. The same site used by the original workshop is now the home of the Voith AG Headquarters.
In the mid 1800s, Johann Matthus Voith began developing machinery for spinning mills, wool re-processing and printing presses. In 1848, he began working with the Heidenheim paper producer Heinrich Voelter (18171887), with the common goal of mass producing paper. At that time, series production of paper had failed due to the lack of rag-fiber which was used as the raw material. Wood however, being a plentiful renewable resource, was seen as an alternative. The very first patent for producing paper from wood pulp was awarded to Heinrich Voelter and Friedrich Gottlob Keller in 1846. Johann Matthus Voith studied that patent, and then dramatically improved Keller design.[citation needed] As a result, the first Raffineur was born in 1859 a machine that significantly refined raw wood pulp and therefore greatly improved the quality of paper.
Turbine production
In 1867, Johann Matthus Voith transferred control of the company to his son Friedrich, which had 30 employees. In that same year, Friedrich Voith officially registered the company in the local trading register for the first time under the name: Maschinenfabrik J. M. Voith. In 1869, Voith received his first patent for a wood grinder. This wood grinder was a major step forward for paper mills: allowing them to use economical, renewable cellulose-fiber, while improving paper quality, and setting the cornerstone for modern newspaper publishing. In 1881, Voith delivered the first complete paper-making machine to Raithelhuber, Bezner & Cie in Gemmrigheim, Germany. Voith's invention had opened an entirely new market, and a surge in new orders helped his company to rapidly expand. By the mid 1890s, Voith machines were available for every stage of the paper-making process.
During the same timeframe, Voith began working on turbines. By 1879, the first Voith turbine regulator had been built, based on the designs from Adolf Pfarr, and it proved to be a decisive step for the generation of electricity through the force of water. By 1890, Voith had even begun deliveries of a high-pressure open-jet turbine. And in the same year, Friedrich Voith was named by King Karl I of Wrttemberg to join his council of commercial advisors in recognition of his successful business achievements. At the company's 25th anniversary in 1892, 330 people were employed by Voith, and it was one of the largest companies in the Kingdom of Wrttemberg.
The first Voith subsidiary, located in St. Plten, Austria, was founded in 1903, and in that same year, Voith received the largest order in its history: Voith was to build the world's largest water turbines, having 12,000horsepower (8,948kW), for the Niagara Falls Hydroelectric Power Station. This project turned out to be a milestone for both the company as well as for the history of hydroelectric power.
Voith Drive Technology
In 1911, Voith built the fastest and widest machine of its time for reel-fed printing papers, at its plant in St. Plten, Austria. Shortly thereafter in 1913, Friedrich Voith died, and left behind a strong company with 3,000 employees, and a leading position in the paper, as well as energy markets. His three sons then shared the company's management responsibilities: Walther took charge of the St. Plten plant, Hermann managed the commercial affairs in the main facility in Heidenheim, and Hanns headed the technical department.
After World War I, the three brothers decided to expand the company and to concentrate on drive technologies. By 1922, Voith had begun building transmission gear assemblies, based on its fluid-dynamics know-how gained from previous turbine projects. This turned out to be yet another breakthrough, which was achieved with the aid of Hermann Fttinger, and his pioneering research on hydrodynamic energy transfers. In that same year, the first Kaplan turbine was produced by Voith, being named for its inventor Viktor Kaplan.
By 1929, the first Voith hydrodynamic clutches based on the Fttinger Principle were in use at the Herdecke pumped-storage hydropower station. Thereafter, similar transmissions for road and rail vehicles were developed. At the same time, the company became known for the hydrodynamic drives and transmissions that it supplied to industrial production facilities. In addition, Voith launched a new product, the Voith Schneider Propeller (VSP) for commercial vessels, which would make the company famous worldwide in the coming decades. This new marine drive could significantly improve the manoeuvrability of a ship, being invented by the Vienna engineer Ernst Schneider, and enhanced by Voith.
After successful sea trials on the test boat Torqueo, in 1937, the first Voith Schneider Propellers were put into operation in the narrow canals of Venice, Italy. During the 1937 World Fair in Paris, Voith was awarded the grand prize three times for its exhibition of Voith Schneider Propellers and Voith turbo-transmissions. A year later, two of Paris' fire-fighting boats started operating with the new VSP system.
Following the death of Hermann Voith, Hanns Voith led the company in 1942. Later on 24 April 1945, when American troops occupied Heidenheim, it was Hanns Voith who personally surrendered the city to the US Army. During World War II, 600 of the company's 4,000 employees had either been killed or were missing.
Following World War II, Hannes Voith and Hugo Rupf, who served as Executive Board Chairman, then launched a high-growth phase for the company. Their first post-war delivery was a Voith turbine for Norway in 1947. Then major orders started pouring in: In 1949 eight Voith Schneider Propellers went to the United Africa Co, 46 Voith turbo-transmissions were shipped to Brazil, and in 1951, a new paper-making machine was delivered to Holland. At the same time, Voith's new triple-converter transmission for motorised railcars, and its DIWA bus transmissions made Voith the market leader in drive technology. In 1953, Voith produced Europe's fastest newsprint paper machine for the Feldmhle AG: running at speeds of 600metre/min, and producing up to 200tons of newsprint each day. At the 1958 World's Fair in Brussels, Voith was awarded a gold medal for developing the first turbo-transmission for the diesel-hydraulic locomotives of the Deutsche Bundesbahn (German Railways).
Throughout the 1960s, Voith rapidly expanded to become an internationally active corporation. In 1962, Voith participated on Europe's largest pumped-storage hydroelectric power station in Vianden, Luxembourg, by supplying two spiral turbines, four storage pumps, and two pump turbines. For years later, Voith set another record by delivering the widest newsprint machine in the world to Sweden. Between 1962 and 1966, the company also made major investments in the Indian company Utkal Machinery Ltd., and the Spanish company Talleres de Tolosa. Voith also took over the tooling and paper machine manufacturer Drries, as well as founding new sales offices in Great Britain and France. In addition, a new subsidiary was founded in Brazil in 1964: the Voith S.A. in So Paulo.
In the 1970s, Voith developed its centrimatic clutch, and the R130 retarder for buses and utility vehicles. In the USA, Voith founded a subsidiary in Appleton, Wisconsin in 1974, and also became the major shareholder of Morden Machines in Portland, Oregon. Two years later, Voith founded its first Japanese subsidiary. Following the death of Hanns Voith, Hugo Rupf became the company's Managing Director in 1971, and in 1973, he became the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Following the acquisition of Appleton Mills, USA in 1983, Voith entered the market for paper machine clothing. In addition, Voith took over the hydropower operations of the US market leader Allis Chalmers in York, Pennsylvania. Within a few years, Voith expanded its US workforce from 200 to 1,300. In 1985, Voith also entered the India, establishing a production plant in Hyderabad.
In the 1990s, Voith began to expand its operations in the Far East, concentrating on China. In 1994, Voith supplied the turbines for the world's largest pumped storage hydroelectric power station at Guangzhou II. And two years later, Voith received the contract to build the world's largest fine paper machine in Dagang. In Kunshan and Liaoyang, China, the company also opened new production plants in 1996.
Under the leadership of Michael Rogowski, who had been Voith's spokesman since 1986, the company was reorganised, and it became a management-holding, with independently operating commercial sectors. In the following years, Voith's technical masterpieces were the introduction
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