you can view the Electoral Roll Online and use it to locate people who you have lost touch with but with so many websites offering this service how can you be sure that you are using the best one for what you are wanting to do?
There is a wealth of data available for websites to sell on to the public for example the electoral Roll now goes back to around 1993 so some companies will have access to the Electoral Roll back to this date, some will only have access to a particular year, all will charge the same amount of money. As you can see from this example the variety in quality of data provided by the 100's of websites that offer to sell you access to Electoral Roll data is frankly staggering.
Further to this you must also consider that the websites may have different levels of site security, how do you know a website is safe to put your card details into? How can you be sure that the data you receive is up to date and accurate? How will the website treat you if you have a query or a problem with the data that you have been supplied?
Of course there are many checks that you can do yourself to try and make sure that you are using a service that is professional and safe to use. You can see if they have any accreditations relating to the site being secure such as a SafeBuy Logo on the home page. You can also check some of the internal pages to see exactly what you get for your money. Also look for a contact phone number and give it a ring, if someone answers and is knowledgeable then you are on the right tracks.
But quite simply you need to make sure that any Electoral Roll Search site you are using answers the following questions
Are they Safe to use Can I enter my card details in total confidence?
Do they have the best Data Is the information I pay for going to be useful?
Are they UK based- Can I contact them if I have a question or issue with my results? has been created to answer these questions, this simple site vets the best Electoral Roll services in the UK and if they answer YES to the above questions we will accept there submission to our site. Its that simple. Finally a place where you can come to find the best Electoral Roll Searches on the internet.