Video Marketing Is Essential For Making Money Online
I always use to say that when you put a face to a name
, it feels more personal and more likely that someone would want to get to know you better. Now if you were an Online Marketer searching for a way to make money online, video marketing is your answer.
Introducing yourself to the Internet through sites like Youtube and Dailymotion is a brilliant idea to expose your website and product. There are many reasons why Online Marketers struggle to get more traffic to their website but Video Marketing can truly provide a solution to that. Your chance to make money online starts here.
Experience has taught me that two to five videos a week will be essential for adequate exposure. Now there might be a chance for you to run out of ideas by attempting such a comprehensive number of videos. I am here to share some thoughts to overcome that barrier.
Video Marketing is very similar to Article Marketing. For you to able to induce an idea daily, you need to break down your videos into sections. An example will be to share "3 ways to get the best out of video marketing" and then to customize those "3 ways" further into another 3 videos.
If you use this method to expand on each video that you took from the original one and repeat the process, I can promise that you will never exhaust yourself from getting fresh ideas. It also means that you have more exposure through video marketing which leads to more sales through your website.
At the end of the month, you would have created 20-30 videos and they will add up once you have targeted traffic searching for it. A rule that you will need to abide by is using the right keywords (words that people type into Google to search for information) to name your videos. Without these keywords, people will not find you on the web and you would have wasted hours of work for nothing.
A great tip that I can share with you is to start up different accounts with the top video sites and use one source to distribute them all simultaneously. This will help you save tremendous time and effort. There are plenty of video marketing sites out there that can assist you with that. The one I would highly recommend is Tubemogul- A brilliant site that can help you get great exposure and credibility.