Video Conferencing And Travel
Share: As access to high speed communications becomes ever more widespread
, more and more businesses are able to take advantage of the benefits of video conferencing.
The central benefit is obvious. It doesn't matter if you're
video conferencing in Singapore; for example, you're still able to connect to people anywhere else in the world. You can meet and discuss business with people in any location as long as you're both in a facility equipped with video conferencing. Just like ringing someone up, you can speak to anyone in real time - but unlike the phone you'll be able to have a proper conversation.
With visual cues you can have several participants in each conversation and you can get all of the elements that exist in human interaction in addition to vocal cues. Gestures, expressions, body language - all are conveyed instantly by video conferencing.
Naturally, all of this is offered by a physical, face to face meeting as well. However face to face meetings have a significant cost attached to them; travel. There is no means of transport that can connect you faster than a video conferencing service and none worth speaking of that are cheaper.
Not only does the use of video conferencing save you the time of travel, it also saves you the excessive costs of travelling via plane or even train - and the cost is the same no matter where you're speaking to. It doesn't cost any more to talk to someone in the UK from Australia than it does to speak to someone in the UK from the UK via video conferencing.
It also avoids the possible disruptions that often affect travel services. Strikes, accidents and even natural disasters like the recent volcanic cloud can all have disastrous effects on business meetings. Rather than have your executives stranded in far off locations, video conferencing offers a reliable service with no danger of added inconvenience if something goes wrong.
by: Stephen Smith
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