Vertigo Treatments
Vertigo Treatments
Vertigo Treatments
Determining the correct method of vertigo treatment can be challenging. In large part, this is due to the fact that its symptoms and causes vary greatly in their severity and visibility. Knowing the correct angle from which to attack the problems of dizziness, nausea, and disorientation that are associated with vertigo involves taking time to accurately pinpoint its source and see what other complications are associated with it. When the condition is better understood, a number of treatments can be administered.
Once a doctor has met with a patient and spent time determining the source and intensity of vertigo, a myriad of actions may be taken. Drugs may be administered by pill, patch, or IV to the patient in an attempt to stop the feelings of motion that vertigo brings about. These vertigo treatments are the most common and are usually successful in treating moderate cases of vertigo that haven't persisted for a long period of time.
In cases of bacterial infections of the inner ear, antibiotics are used as vertigo treatments. Similarly, if doctors diagnose a patient with Meniere's disease (an inner ear disorder that can often be the culprit of vertigo) antibiotics may also be used in addition to diet changes. If the vertigo has been brought about by significant damage or puncture to parts of the inner ear, the most likely treatment will be surgery by an ear, nose, and throat specialist.
Vertigo treatments are not just medicinal, however. A number of exercise therapy techniques have also been explored and many have proven beneficial for vertigo sufferers. Vestibular rehabilitation involves the patient laying on alternating side of their body in an attempt to restore the body's sense of balance. These alternations are continued until disorientation is gone. Similarly, cases of vertigo believed to be brought on by disruptions of the inner ear may be treated by having the patient perform specific head movements that are designed to realign inner ear elements. While these treatments may not have the power of medicinal remedies, they are often effective and can be continued by the patients when at home.
The best way to learn about vertigo treatments is by consulting a professional. Often, the symptoms of vertigo are ignored or self-treated for too long and treatment becomes a difficult take. By recognizing symptoms early and exploring the options of treatment thoroughly, vertigo sufferers can attack the condition head-on and be returned to a more peaceful life.
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