Various Long Term Care Insurance Riders

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Various Long Term Care Insurance Riders
Long term care insurance is one of the most complicated types of insurance found in the market today. However, this is a special type of protection that covers the staggering costs of care for the elders and people with disability. With wide array of features and riders, ordinary individuals find it hard to select the option that is best for their condition. Nevertheless, this article will provide you with long term care insurance information and guide you in selecting the rider that fits your needs and budget.
Waiver of Premium for the Survivor
Most riders, including this waiver of premium for the survivor, significantly increase your premiums at certain rate. This allows two individuals, either married or domestic partners, purchase long term care insurance policy. If only one spouse used the benefits for the first 10 years, and the other one dies, the surviving spouse may get the waiver of premium.
Inflation Rider
The inflation protection can be either simple or compound. The simple inflation rider adjusts your daily benefits at f specific percentage, while the compound inflation raises the benefits more aggressively than the simple inflation.
For instance, when you buy 5% simple inflation, a $100 daily benefit will become $105 on its first year. Meanwhile, compound inflation will raise the benefits on the highest amount of coverage during its anniversary date. Everyone is encouraged to purchase this rider because it helps your coverage keep pace with the ever-increasing medical costs for long term care.
Return of Premium
Few companies offer this type of rider. In case you don't consume the policy benefits for very long time, your beneficiary may receive some or all of your premiums. The return of premium can be given upon the death of the policyholder to the beneficiary or estate. Normally, you or the beneficiary receives the entire premium in one lump sum. However, this rider would double or triple the premiums.
Shared Benefit
Married couples may purchase this rider. This allows the individual tap his or her spouse's benefits when one has depleted his/her own policy. For instance, you may use your spouse's policy to avoid paying for the additional benefits. Nevertheless, the spouse must have equal benefits to qualify for this rider, and the inflation protection will help boost the coverage for both spouses.
Non-forfeiture Rider
The non-forfeiture ride gives protection to your premiums in case you are no longer capable of paying your premiums. This allows you to keep some portion of your premiums you have paid for certain number of year, say five years, even if you drop the coverage. Policyholders may be able to protect their savings in case they haven't used the policy benefits. This rider is less expensive than other LTCi riders, so it is worth buying for.
You won't need all these riders for your policy, so you have to pinpoint the ones that will benefit you in the long run. You should also get recommendations from various companies to compare prices and coverage that will fit your budget and requirements.
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