Using Photos As Graphics In Marketing Your Business by:Valerie Siple
More and more businesses are seeing the value of photography in marketing their business
. Websites, html emails, business cards, banners. Scanners and other digital equipment is HOT! What do you need to know about the subject of photography to take advantage of photos in your business?
Many memorable moments would be lost and long forgotten without photography. The most important thing to photography is light. The camera is a precise instrument for capturing light. The word "camera" in Latin means room. The name camera comes from the first invention towards capturing the world on film, the camera obscura or dark room.
This invention came about in the 14th century and was used by such artists as Da Vinci and Michelangelo to more accurately draw their subjects onto paper. The invention of this box made way for more advancements in cameras and photography.
There are five essential items in cameras that make photography possible. They are exposure, refraction, plane of focus, angle of view and aperture. Exposure is the amount of time a camera lets film be exposed to light. Refraction is the bending of light through the lenses of a camera. Plane of focus is the area where light reforms an image in the film. Angle of view is the angle created on a lens when you take the two outermost points you can see through a lens and diverge them to the exact center of the lens. The angle created will be the angle at which the camera can take pictures at. Aperture is the amount of light a lens allows into the camera.
The camera obscura, as mentioned previously, was a large room with a small hole where light could pass through. The development of the camera obscura took two tracks. One of these led to the portable box device that was a drawing tool. In the 17th and 18th century, many artists were aided by the use of the camera obscura.
By the beginning of the 19th century, the camera obscura was ready with little or no modification to accept a sheet of light sensitive material to become the photographic camera. The other track became the camera obscura room, a combination of education and entertainment.
In the 19th century, with improved lenses that could cast larger and sharper images, the camera obscura flourished at the seaside and in areas of scenic beauty.
Of course now there are much more practical ways to take photographs. From the traditional 35mm cameras to the newest cellular phones equipped with digital cameras. Big ones, small ones, and anything else you can think of. There is a camera to fit your needs and lifestyle, or even your color preference. The world of photography has certainly grown a lot over the years. Taking into consideration your usage when purchasing is key to investing in the proper equipment.
About the author
Valerie Sipple is the webmaster of:
http://www.rgphotography.coma great resource for everything about photography.
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