Updates That Google Caffeine Has For Seo

Share: With the release of Google latest version Google Caffeine it has started to be considered as a next powerful tool for Google web search
. The tool is quite instant and updated as compared to its previous version, hereforth we will focus on the Google caffeine involvement for the search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. Similar to the previous releases like Project Daddy in 2005, Google Caffeine is also responsible for some changes. However, the changes will be appreciated by the Internet users and will mean a lot for the SEO experts and people running websites.
A proficient company delivering SEO services should adapt themselves with the changes; some of them are listed below-
Latest Content is most advantageous feature with Google Caffeine- Authentic and quality content has always been a major requirement in the Google spider since years. But as of now for Google Caffeine it will give more preference for content that include latest updates.
Meta tags are of prime importance- A part of on-page optimization, Meta Tags is quite an important part that Google Caffeine consider. If the keyword enriched meta tag is placed, the Google spiders will find way to the website quite fast. The Meta tags should be provided with title and descriptions that makes relevant sense. It should clearly define the website perspective, most importantly meta description.
Social networking is considered as of prime importance with Google Caffeine- Socializing and networking has been experience a boom in the past years.Nowdays, the website prefers to release the updates by tweeting or posting the live news on facebook.This activity is something which will be given prominence by Google Caffeine, so that SEO company can enhance the visibility of the site through social networking methods.
Enhancement of the size- Google Caffeine will let the spiders to crawl more deeply into websites, pages on the site, blogs and much more.
The faster the website loads, the better it is. Nowadays, the websites owners opt for a website design that does not take much loading time. This is actually a good attempt because usually the internet users do not prefer the website that takes much to load, that is way the website owners are now opting for simple and appealing designs.
Therefore, keeping all the above considerations in mind the company providing SEO services should par with the latest Google standards and with the latest tools, the websites will surely deliver a better user experience and enhanced performance.
by: seogenies
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