United Against Anna Wintour!

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United Against Anna Wintour!
He is a proud Roman, one of the outstanding designers of our time, boss of a continuously growing independent luxury goods empire and the creator of the world-wide celebrated "Le Billionaire Champagne", the most expensive and most luxurious champagne of all times.
She is infamous. As cold as ice, arrogant, ruthless. Even celebrated fashion czars shiver when she judges the newest collections. We are talking about Anna Wintour, chief editor of the American "Vogue" and ruler of the 100-billion-dollar world of fashion.

Share: Despite that "Nuclear Wintour" will be in a tight spot soon, because Leon Verres, the probably most charismatic and strongest designer of all, has made it his business to enthrone the "Ice-Queen". His efforts are supported by almost 3 million "Verresians", numerous fashion bloggers and by the "Message T-Shirt" which is currently the most successful and most-produced T-Shirt in the world. "3F" is the name of the flagship T-shirt of Leon Verres' "Rockstar Billionaire" streetwear collection, which has been elating people all over the world for some weeks already.
It is the T-shirt which millions of fashionistas all over the world have wished for. This T-shirt expresses relentlessly what millions of fashionistas think. It is the T-shirt which shows many designers their cowardice, submissiveness and dependency regarding Anna Wintour in a merciless way. It is the T-shirt which celebrates the democratization of luxury and the new kings of the fashion world, the fashion bloggers. This T-shirt declares war against Anna Wintour and everyone who buys one of these t-shirts joins this war.
Leon Verres says:
"Anna Wintour and her Vogue have been taken the fashionistas for fools for many years. She presents perfectly styled Hollywood stars in luxurious outfits and declares that to be the new trend. Besides that I do not know anyone with common sense who considers such extravagantly styled fashion-zombies attractive, with its costly produced pseudo trends the Vogue only attends on an elitist minority of the fashion world, which is out of touch with reality and dieing out. To sum it up. The American Vogue has become obsolete as style authority long ago! The time has come for Anna Wintour to accept this and to let the true critics do their work. The true fashionistas on this planet this means the 99% of the fashion consumers who do not read the Vogue prefer to support the army of fashion bloggers, which focuses on what real people in real life wear on the streets instead of showing over-stylized fashion photo series with extremely thin models. Fashion bloggers are the new kings of the world of fashion and I am one of their biggest supporters. It gives me a good feeling to know that I - as one of the very small number of designers who are independent of industry and media am able to afford to have the Stalin on stilettos as an enemy. After all I am not alone on the mined catwalk. Besides my almost 3 million registered customers, who form the so-called "Legion Verres", each day more and more people join me. Furthermore the demand for the "3F" T-shirt exceeds all of my expectations. This makes me unutterably pride and happy, because the total revenue for the T-shirts will inure to the benefit of my child relief project "I stand for children". As it is said: "Before its in Vogue its Sold Out!"
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