Understanding Your Responsibilities When Taking Out A Payday Advance

Share: A payday advance, for many people, is the ideal answer to their short-term financial needs
. However, as with any other type of loan, you should always approach a payday advance with a great deal of understanding and respect. In short, it is always best to understand your responsibilities when taking out a payday advance.
If you are considering the conveniences of a payday loan, there a certain number of factors you should take into consideration:
Payback Period A payday loan is a short-term loan that is usually collected on your next payday. In order to ensure that they will be paid in full and on time for your payday advance, most lenders will ask for a postdated check. For most people, a payday advance is quite convenient for that reason, as the money owed is simply withdrawn from their account on the agreed-upon date. However, for individuals who have not budgeted for the payday loan or have failed to have the appropriate funds available, it could mean additional interest charges and fees, both of which could cost tremendously.
Loan Requirements A payday advance can only be obtained if you meet the lenders eligibility requirements. Although these requirements vary from lender to lender, most payday lenders require that the applicant be at least 18 years of age; that the applicant have a minimum monthly income of at least $800 to $1,000; and that the applicant have an active bank account.

Share: Application Security A payday loan can be obtained by filling out an online application, and the money can be transferred directly into your bank account in as little as a few hours, depending on the lender. It is important to make sure that you only apply for a payday loan on a personal computer that is secure; otherwise you could be susceptible to Internet thieves.
Repayment Ability Because a payday loan is short-term loan, you should first make sure that you are able to repay the loan in short period of time before you apply for the loan.
Rollover Loans If you are unable to repay the payday loan by the payday date, you may also have the option of rolling over the loan for another pay period. Although this may cost considerably more than paying back the loan in the agreed upon time, it may be an option if you are unable to meet the loan repayment requirements due to other unforeseen expenses and circumstances.
Competitive Interest Rates Just because payday advance loans have high interest rates, do not assume that you cant find a competitive interest rate. Take your time and shop around for competitive interest rates and fees before applying for a payday loan.
In order to understand your responsibilities under a payday advance contract, it is important to read and reread the loans terms and conditions. It is also best to research several payday lenders to make sure you are receiving the most competitive interest rates and fees.
by: Janet Gaither
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