Understanding The Benefits Of Term Life Insurance

Share: People who need coverage have a choice between term life insurance and whole life policies
. In some instances individuals do not understand the differences in coverage offered by these options. Term life insurance is the ideal choice for some persons based on why they want coverage and how much money they want to spend.
This type of policy allows the policyholder to purchase a plan that suits their purpose or future goals. The buyer can select a one year term or even a 30-year policy. At the end of the pre-established period, the policyholder will no longer have coverage. Some companies allow term life policies to be converted to another type of policy.
While insurance rates have risen over the years, this does not always influence the policy purchased. Often, individuals buy term life insurance because it fits well with their financial plans. That said, it is in fact cheaper than other types of policies.
Many individuals opt for this type of coverage because it offers assurance that financial obligations will still be met in the event of death. There are policies of this type which have an automatic renewal date. Others have the option of switching to another type of policy once their goals have been met.
One of the more attractive features of term life insurance is that some policies guarantee a fixed premium. This means that even if rates should rise within that period, the premium will remain the same. This is an important consideration for many people, especially those on fixed incomes.
The Benefits of Term Life Insurance
Getting a life insurance quote usually means getting comparisons on the types of policies available. For the prospective buyer this means asking questions to fully understand the differences in coverage.
An agent should be able to outline many of the benefits of buying a fixed period policy, which include:
* The contract language is generally simpler than with many other policies. This makes it easier for the policy owner to understand the contract. Since term life insurance policies offer only a death benefit, there is no need for additional riders, such as accidental dismemberment.
* The insured has the freedom to invest their money where they choose. With other policies that have an investment component, they have no say in where the company puts the investment component of the policy.
* It is a good choice for anyone who already has long-term plans in place. This policy will offer added protection in the event of some unplanned occurrences that impact income, such as death.
* It is generally easier to get this type of policy. Sometimes no physical is required, just responses to basic medical questions. There is also a shorter waiting period for approval.
This type of coverage puts the policyholder firmly in control. Expenses generally considered when buying this type of policy include funeral expense, children's schooling and outstanding debts.
Many of these policies are marketed with heavy emphasis on these concerns. As such, this type of policy is not ideally suited to those who are already financially secure.
Even with similar coverage, quotes will vary among companies. Rates in the industry are likely to continue to rise, though perhaps nowhere as steeply as most would expect. For this reason anyone considering term life insurance should act early to protect their loved ones.
by: Brian Greenberg
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