Turnips in the Fight Against Colon Cancer
Turnips in the Fight Against Colon Cancer
Turnips help with cancer! When I first heard that vegetables helped reduce and heal the risks and damages of cancer I almost didn't believe it. Really? Vegetables? Well, it is true. And turnips play a great part in the decrease of the risk of colon cancer. This old, long lasting and much undervalued plant is in fact responsible for lowering chances of developing tumors in your colon.
You're probably wondering how on earth does it work. Well, turnips, especially the green leafy part, are full of antioxidants. All the good vitamins are in there, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and beta-carotene. These three powerhouses, if you didn't know, reduce the free radicals that are running around in your body. That's a great health boost right there.
Studies indicate that the people who take vegetables high in the Vitamin E have the risk of developing tumors in their colon greatly reduced compared to their counterparts who don't eat this marvelous antioxidant.
The same goes for beta-carotene, which if you know resides in the turnip quite a lot. This miracle is taken by the body and created into Vitamin A. Combine this with the fiber in the turnip, not only is it going to protect you from colon cancer, but a whole bunch of other cancers as well.
It has been found that one third of cancer related deaths were because the patients never ate right. So don't make that mistake, give yourself and your loved ones a chance and get healthy today!
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