Tucson Dental Dentist - Steps To Prevent Cavities Or Worse
Often times there is not a fundamental understanding how cavities are formed and how they can be prevented.
So I want to take a moment and quickly discuss how a cavity is formed.
It all starts with a substance we call plaque. Plaque is sticky, invisible film that builds up on your teeth, between your teeth, on your gums, and under your gums.
Plaque can be removed by brushing your teeth and flossing and by your Tucson dentist when you visit every 6 months.
If the plaque is left alone, it will combine with bacteria from the food you eat and beverages you drink and form an acid that eats away at your teeth.
Eventually, this acid can destroy enough of the tooth to create the dreaded cavity!
Again the easiest way to prevent this is by brushing your teeth and flossing and by having your Tucson dentist clean your teeth every 6 months.
This makes sure that both the plaque and the food buildup are removed regularly so that evil acid can't form.
If you do however get a dental cavity and don't get it treated it can lead to an abscessed tooth.
For the average person, if you have an abscess, or infected, tooth, you will get in contact with your Tucson dentist immediately.
But some of you out there are a little more strong willed and take drugs to minimize the pain just do you don't have to go to the Tucson dentist.
Let me tell you now, if you do that, things may only get worse.
The dental infection in your tooth can lead to an dental infection in your gums call Gingivitis, which I am sure you have heard of.
But did you know that Gingivitis can lead to a worse dental infection called Periodontitis which is significantly worse.
If you get Periodontitis, your gums may separate from your teeth and your teeth may become loose or out of alignment.
Then, the dental infection may travel to the bone that supports your teeth and gradually that bone will begin to dissolve.
So although you might think you can live with the pain, things will only get worse if you don't go to your Tucson dentist and get it taken care of.
Michael Novak has done substantial research on the dental and dentist industry in Tucson. Find out more dental and dentist information at http://www.Tucson-Dental-Dentist.com.
by: Tucson Estate Planning Attorney
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