Trick-or-treat! Are Your Teeth Ready For Halloween?
Share: With Halloween right around the corner, you may be working hard to find the perfect costume
. While you are choosing costumes this year, keep in mind the importance of protecting your teeth against harmful sugars and candy as you celebrate Halloween this year. Halloween brings the beginning of the candy buying season as it is estimated that more than 1.9 billion dollars are spent in candy, making it one of the four largest candy buying seasons of the year. As October quickly comes to an end, it is important to take extra care of your teeth to avoid damage.
What is Tooth Decay?
Tooth decay is a degenerative oral health condition that results from the breakdown of tooth enamel. The destruction of tooth structure associated with decay can lead to the development of cavities, which are holes in the teeth. When your child eats a lot of sugary candies this Halloween, they raise their risk of developing tooth decay.
If tooth decay is detected before it reaches the nerve of the tooth, your Chandler dentist can restore the tooth by removing the decay and replacing it with a dental filling. However, if the decay goes untreated and does reach the nerve, root canal therapy may be needed to save the tooth. Even though tooth decay affects millions of people, brushing at least twice a day, flossing daily, maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding snacks high in sugar, and visiting your dentist for regular check-ups and dental cleanings can easily prevent tooth decay.
Understanding Preventive Measures
More than 90 percent of children go trick or treating and return home with bags full of sugary candy that can turn anyone's mouth into a nightmare. By taking a few preventive steps, however, children can enjoy Halloween without harming their teeth. Sugary candy can lead to tooth decay, but that doesn't mean you need to eliminate candy consumption altogether. You can be mindful of your child's health and still let them enjoy a special occasion, such as Halloween. Some simple steps you can take to help prevent tooth decay include:
*Set limits for when and how much candy can be consumed at a time.
*Eating candy with snacks and meals, rather than between meals, is best to reduce plaque buildup.
*Brush and rinse thoroughly after eating candy to protect teeth from cavities.
*Always brush and floss teeth before going to bed, as sugar that stays on the teeth overnight will work to decay tooth enamel.
You can also help keep your children's teeth healthy by making wise choices about the types of candy you allow them to eat. Some candies are worse for teeth than other, such as chewy and sticky candy as they can adhere to the teeth long after your child is finished eating them. Hard candies, such as lollipops, are long lasting and take lengthy amounts of time to dissolve. As a result, the teeth are then exposed to sugar for an extended period of time, and can also raise the risk for chipped teeth.
If you suspect decay, or your child is experiencing discomfort, visit your dentist in Chandler for further treatment and diagnosis. Decay does not go away on its own, and it will continue to progress and harm your child's teeth if treatment is not sought. Your Chandler, AZ dentist can successfully treat your child's tooth decay and keep them smiling longer.
by: Gen Wright
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