Treatments For Liver Failure
Most causes of liver failure will be discussed below
. A defective synthesis of proteins and detoxification can cause damage to the liver cells. If the liver cells are damaged, one may experience loss of appetite, occasional fever, minor abdominal pains, bleeding, and discoloration of the eyes and skin to become yellowish.
Administering available treatments for liver failure will depend on the severity of the liver disease of a person. One of the numerous hopes to cure liver failure is to remove the afflicted part of the liver and to allow a new liver to regenerate. The risk of undergoing an operation or treatment like this is the same with the more complicated treatments.
You may also try natural resources for your liver failure treatment. Some of these are dandelion leaves, dandelion tinctures or dandelion extracts. You may also try the Milk Thistle seed extract for it is known to increase protein synthesis which can help in speeding up the regeneration of damaged liver tissues. Another natural resource that you may try is the artichokes which some people say has the same healing properties with milk thistle seed extract.
There are many possible causes of liver failure, but also many things that can be done to prevent it. The most common causes of chronic liver deterioration include Hepatitis B and C, cirrhosis, malnutrition and long term alcohol abuse. In acute cases of rapid failure a virus is often the culprit, but also poisonous mushrooms, a reaction to medication or a Tylenol overdose. Prevention is best done by not consuming too much alcohol for a long period of time, proper hygiene, eating balanced meals and keeping up to date on hepatitis vaccines.
Thus, both acute and chronic liver failure can be successfully treated by using a judicious combination of Ayurvedic medicines. Timely use of these medicines can help to prevent irreversible liver damage and complete liver failure. These medicines can therefore control liver failure and improve the chances for survival and recovery in patients affected with this condition.
There are several liver failure symptoms that we could try to assess if we are experiencing so that we may rule out if we already have some liver problems. These symptoms may include lingering tiredness. You will feel that even if you have not been doing so much activity, you feel tired easily. You may also awake late at nights, feel hot flushes in your body, may have prolonging headaches and experiencing indigestion.
The early symptoms of liver failure that one may experience may consist of frequent headaches, recurring feeling of tiredness, indigestion, weight loss difficulty among others. When the liver fails to control the metabolism of the food we eat, the wastes will not be flushed out of the body. These wastes are toxins and can become damaging to other internal body organs. Sometimes, the discoloration of your eyes and body becomes visible when you are in the early symptoms of liver failure.
One of the biggest problems with end stage liver failure is that the numerous symptoms could all be signs of other medical conditions that are not so life threatening. In fact, many symptoms of liver failure that has reached the final stages are actually quite harmless on its own. These could include restlessness, yawning, itchy skin, a general feeling of being under the weather and breathlessness.
Once acute liver failure has been determined, it is important to get treatment immediately so that other problems don't happen as a result of the liver condition. There are many things that can happen and acute liver failure also has a high fatality rate. The best methods for treating this condition are proper nutrition, balancing fluids, dialysis and in cases of patients that don't respond to other treatment, a liver transplant.
In most cases, liver failure diet consists of taking meals in small amounts every two hours. This makes digestion and absorption of food easier and faster, thus the liver will not be strained. Liver failure diets concentrates on the goal of balancing the necessary nutrients needed by a damaged liver. Vitamins must be taken in moderation depending on the severity of liver damage of any patient.
At present, hepatorenal syndrome--potentially reversible kidney failure combined with cirrhosis or another liver disease--is frequently dealt with liver transplant alone and not a combined process. As waiting times for organs increase, more patients with hepatorenal syndrome will probable grow a chronic, irreparable condition that might need a combination transplant.
Determining that someone is suffering from symptoms linked to the end stage liver failure can only be done with medical tests performed in hospitals, The evaluations for diagnosing it in the end stages completed include CT scans, observation of enzymes and toxins, chemical screenings and blood tests. Some patients are also tested for HIV, pregnancy, ammonia or hepatitis.
Your liver is responsible for clearing your body of toxic waste and for coordinating all metabolism. It also has important endocrine functions, as well as an imunologic role among many other minor roles. When it fails, all these functions are compromised and death comes quickly. Toxic products pile up in the body and, most important, the liver will not convert fat to sugar and your brain literally starves to death.
As for supplements, milk thistle, turmeric, and ginger have all been proven to reverse not only fatty liver and cirrhosis but even liver cancer. There are a few combinations of these currently on the market, but you can also use each individually. Take them twice a day or as instructed by the manufacturer.
by: adameric
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