Treatment To Finally Get Rid Of Your Plantar Wart
. They are produced once the human papilloma virus enters the blood stream either through tiny cuts or cracks inside the skin.
Usually no treatment is mandatory. They normally go away by their own with time. But some of them could produce serious complications. If left untreated, plantar warts could become cancerous after some time.
Plantar warts can spread to the other areas of the body, as they are highly contagious. In order to prevent them from spreading, they should be treated. They are very aggravating and painful to walk with. So they must be removed.
There is as such no plantar wart cure, but it can be achieved by various treatment options. The treatment alternatives involve the use of mild acids, duct tapes, cryotherapy, laser treatment etc.
The most usually utilized treatment for plantar warts are mild acids such as salicylic acid, cantharidin and dichloroacetic acid. These acids are applied topically over the plantar warts. Application of these acids over plantar warts for several weeks may help as a treatment.
Duct tape can also help. The tape is applied over the plantar warts and they are left for about six days. After six days, the affected area is washed and the dead skin is removed by rubbing it gently with a nail filer or pumice stone. This type of cure may take up to 8 weeks.
A cure can also be accomplished with the assistance of cryotherapy. In this treatment the plantar warts are froze with the help of cold solution like sodium nitride. The plantar warts turn black initially and fall off after few days.
Another treatment widely used is the laser treatment. This plantar wart treatment uses CO2 lasers to kill the virus. This treatment is costly and painful and might leave a scar behind.
Debridement is another type of treatment used. It is utilized only once big numbers of plantar warts are present in a certain area. It involves cutting off the warts with a scalpel. This treatment is usually not used as a cure as it produces scarring and is quite painful.
A surgical procedure named electrodessication is also used as a plantar warts cure. It involves cutting away the wart by using an electric needle. This treatment is very efficient but leaves a scar behind on the foot.
There are a number of different over the counter medicines accessible. But these medications are not prescribed since they have harmful chemicals, which not only destroy skin cells but also damage the normal healthy skin around the plantar wart.
Your doctor could make use of any of the above-mentioned treatments depending upon the kind of wart and your tolerance level. He will always start up with over the counter treatments and if they fail, he will move to other treatments.
by: John Maddox.
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