Treating Asthma with the Acupuncture Treatment
Treating Asthma with the Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese art which is around 3000 years old. In china people opt for this style of treatment to treat their most of the diseases and pain related problems. Earlier in the 70's acupuncture was not given its due credit but now with change in time several studies and researches have proved that this form of treatment is reliable and is not just a partisan. Experiences from past decades have revealed that acupuncture is very effective for respiratory diseases. Treating Asthma with the Acupuncture Treatment had been a success and thus one can always rely on acupuncture for effective treatment.
Asthma and acupuncture may sound a little out of place but they actually works is what you can gather from the researches, studies and live visuals. There are several people who are having asthma but acupuncture is not always opted by them because still people consider acupuncture as a mysterious, arcane and an alternative for medicine techniques. Traditional acupuncturists recommend acupuncture as an effective treatment for asthma. From the researches and Internet search you can find blogs stating that acupuncture has really done wonders where other scientific findings failed.
On the visit to the acupuncturist you may be first asked for some of your details so that with help of yours perfect planning can be done to continue with the treatment. Your details may include health history, pulse analysis, inspection of tongue and palpitation in abdomen. All this detail may help the acupuncturist to plan for your treatment for asthma as well as other problems if any. The needles used for acupuncture helps in regulating the natural energy present in the body called chi. If chi is balanced and harmonized you can see yourself as healthy, but if the flow is not balanced then you will fall ill.
According to the Chinese medical theory atopic asthma is caused because of deficiency in kidney and lung Qi. Kidneys are not only responsible for classic filtering functions but also for sexual function, health, growth and development of the body. Atopic asthma in kids may also occur because of the familial connections. Whereas lung plays a great role in air-exchange and at the same time they help in increasing resistance of body from external diseases. Thus, both these part of a body is very important for every human being. The main emphasis of an acupuncturist while treating for asthma is to strengthen your lungs and kidney. Although it seemswith help of acupuncture things become very simple. Acupuncture controls wind spasm in your body. Acupuncture actually increases chi or the energy in your body so that proper flow of blood reaches out to the troubled areas of the body.
Acupuncture lowers the symptoms or at times even fully eliminates this type of respiratory disease. For treating acute or chronic asthma some very important things must be understood such as the reason behind asthma attack. For acute asthma attack treatment tian tu treatment point is used time and again. Acupuncture involves positioning of needles in some perfect points. These needles are very thin in width just as a strand of human hair. There are 9 needles in which 6 are used by most of the acupuncturists. These needles are inserted in your body in certain manner which cannot be done without the help of an experienced person. The angle of needle as well as size of the needle also matters a lot in the treatment process. Needles are correctly inserted and positioned so that it can help in energizing your body and also helps a positive energy flow in your body. It corrects disharmony in body that is said to be the actual cause of all types of diseases in a body.
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