When arranging your holiday don't leave arranging travel insurance until the very last minute. If you do then the rates you are likely to be paying are going to be far higher than you would have expected. So really it is a good idea after you have selected your holiday destination you begin doing some research into travel insurance to cover you whilst on it.
Although you don't need to take out travel insurance it is recommended that you do. Otherwise you could end up finding yourself faced with very high medical bills that you will need to pay. Plus of course if the accident or injury you suffer is a serious one how will you return home.
As you will discover the levels of cover that the various insurance companies offer can vary quite dramatically. So make sure that you read through the policy carefully before agreeing to it as there may be something on it that you don't actually need. Ideally the type of travel insurance you should be aiming for should include some of the following:-
1. Cover for medical expenses up to 2 million.
2.Cover for public liability of up to 1 million.
3.Insurance that will provide you with reimbursement of your holiday costs should it be cancelled. Ideally look for one that provides cover of up to 3,000.
4.Make sure that you choose a policy where they cover you up to 1,500 for the lost of theft of your luggage.
5.Another thing your insurance should provide you with is cover if cash is lost or stolen. Look for policies that cover up to 250.
6.Finally make sure that the policy you choose is one that the insurance company can provide you with assistance 24 hours a day and will also cover any legal costs you may incur.