Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers (Part 4): How Competitive are those keywords?

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Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers
So in this blog, I wanted to discuss just how competitive the keywords "Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers" are. First and foremost, when you do a random search for those keywords, you end up getting 137,000 results (different pages). If you use quotation marks around the keywords "
Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers", you'll end up seeing about 6,600 results in You don't really need to believe that there are thousands and thousands of websites competing with you on these keywords. Rather, you should only look at the top few websites on page 1 and 2 of Google to find out who you're up against and how difficult it will be to outdo them.
Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers: Monthly Searches
So how often are people searching for the keywords "Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers?" Well, actually, it isn't really that high! Using Google's Keyword Analyzer Tool and other software I have access to, I can see that, last month, there were 390 exact searches (using quotation marks), 590 broad searches (where those keywords appeared in a string of keywords), 720 local searches, and 3,600 global searches. By and far, these numbers aren't that impressive.
Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers: Paying Google
If you can't stomach the competition, you do what everyone else seems to be doing: pay google to display a short ad of your website on the right hand side of its results. You pay nothing to get this set up (other than a $10 admin fee), but you end up paying per click! That's right. Everytime someone clicks on your "Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers" ad, you end up paying google. It's an auction. And guess what? Those keywords don't come cheap! The competition is so strong that the average cost per click is about $6-$9. That means that someone could click 3 times on your ad using different computers and end up costing you over $20 in a matter of seconds! Ouch! That's why it's key to see if you can rise up in the rankings without spending tons of money on google ads.
Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers (Part 4): How Competitive are those keywords?
By: DynamicLawyers
Zaproxy alias impedit expedita quisquam pariatur exercitationem. Nemo rerum eveniet dolores rem quia dignissimos.
2024-12-4 16:13
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