Top Seven Mistakes Online Students Make

Share: We have already talked about the myths and facts of online learning and the tips to become a successful e-learner
. Now lets go another step forward. Lets learn about the biggest mistakes online learners make. Here is a chance for you to know those mistakes, avoid them and enhance your e-learning experience.
1) Choosing the wrong course
You are the decision-maker as far as online course selection is concerned. Its important that you make an informed and intelligent decision. Do your research; find out what skills you need to hone to clinch your dream job. Ask your teachers, seniors, peers and even the instructor of the course you wish to take up. Do not choose a course without understanding its scope in improving your skills and career prospects.
2) Registering for a course without proper planning
This could be a disaster. Plan your course work and schedule well in advance to avoid any kind of disruption in the learning process. You do not want to go on a vacation in the middle of the course. You cannot afford to party before your test. Allot a certain number of hours every day or every week and stick to the time table. Remember, its your money and time that will go down the drain if you discontinue a course or finish it without proper preparation.
3) Lack of focus
OK, so you have enrolled for a fabulous online course. You are very enthusiastic about making the best of the course. But gradually, you start losing your focus. You are no longer as excited about acing that weekend test. You find it difficult to concentrate. I smell trouble. If at any point during the course you feel you are diverted or distracted, get in touch with your instructor or career advisor. Seek their help in maintaining your focus on the course at hand. Ask questions, ask for advice and get going.
4) Lack of communication with trainers and peers
The beauty of online learning lies in the ease of communication and interaction. Avail this opportunity to create purposeful relationships with your teachers and fellow learners. Learn more concepts, exchange more ideas and gain more insights. Some online courses provide groups and forums where you can post your queries, raise concerns, seek expert advice and discuss numerous things. Get social- get success!
5) Plagiarism
Agreed that internet has a vast source of academic papers, journal articles, study material and other literature. That doesnt mean a student can just copy from the content of such online material. Students can refer to the articles, case studies and research material available online but plagiarizing such content is both unethical and illegitimate. Most of the online learning institutions have software to detect plagiarized content. A student can lose his credits, marks and even the money invested in the course if found guilty of plagiarizing. Whats worse you will lose respect in the eyes of your teachers, peers and even yourself. So the next time you think of hitting that Ctrl-C Ctrl-V, think again.
6) Procrastination
Students can complete their online course work at their own pace. While this feature is meant to facilitate the students in completing the online courses as per their convenience, there is also a drawback. A lot of students fail to finish their e-courses because of lack of self-discipline. They dont stick to the schedule and leave many a task and assignment unfinished. Thats because they keep postponing the work that needs to be done. Remember, by putting off todays work to tomorrow, you are probably taking the easy way out for today. But tomorrow, the same work will come back to you with doubled stress, tighter deadline and perhaps additional tasks.
7) Not taking pride in your accomplishments or the course
Its important to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment, however small it might be. If you have scored well in a test, feel good about it and strive to do better next time. If you have asked your teacher a relevant question, given a valid explanation or cited a useful resource and thus helped your fellow learners, be happy about it. Each step takes you closer to your goal, whether it is an online degree or certificate or the course completion. Above all, remember to value your digital learning experience. Do not belittle your online course because it is neither easy nor inferior to traditional learning.
Avoid these commonly made mistakes and make your digital learning effective and productive.
by: ckondapally
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