Do you want to get pregnant as soon as possible? Even if there is no exact secret, there are some sex position for getting pregnant fast!
Missionary position! - When you are trying to get pregnant, this is one of the most recommended position by experts and parents . Missionary position allows the sperm to be deposited near the cervical opening. From behaind! Doggy style, as we know this position is very exciting for both, woman and man. Woman sits on her knees in front of men and the penetration is then from behind. It is a good position because of deep penetration which allows the sperm to be deposited close to the cervix. Maybe this is the best position for getting pregnant!
Staying on the edge! - During this position the woman lays on the edge of the bed and the man can then enter from the front from either a standing or kneeling position. This is an exciting position because you can try also a manual stimulation which can add more pleasure and intensity for orgasm.
"Scissors" This is a great position! The woman lying on her side, bottom leg is between your partner's legs, top leg may be lifted up or straddled over his side. Men, lay perpendicular to your partner; bottom leg under hers; top leg between hers so the two of you are like "scissors" with the your view being your partner's back. This position is one of the more unique used but it may increase your chances of getting pregnant fast.
Relax and enjoy sex! Enjoy making love because an orgasm will increases the opportunity for sperm to survive the trip to the cervix. Also remember to not pick up and run to the bathroom after each sex, because the sperm has to swim to the cervix. Avoid water to increase your chances of getting pregnant fast.
Do not forget: in the fertile period (five days before ovulation) you should make love often to ensure a fresh shipment of sperm.
If you have tried these sex positions and at some point you started feel different, you should read the earliest signs of pregnancy to see if you really are pregnant!