Top 5 Personal Injury News Stories In April

Share: April was an eventful month in the compensation calender
, with some major stories breaking throughout the course of the month. Here's our pick of the top 5.
5 - Victims of faulty sofas win compensation
It has been announced that the people who suffered medical problems as a result of a chemical used by Chinese manufacturers of leather sofas are to receive compensation for their injuries in the 1,250 to 10,000 range.
There is a time limit, however, with victims only able to make a compensation claim for damages until mid September.

Share: 4 - The Tories state they will not implement a ban on Personal Injury lawyers gaining referral fees
Shadow Justice Minister Henry Billingham has stated that a conservative government would not place a ban in personal injury referral fees, claiming that law makers must be very careful about dealing with the issue.
3 - Mace and Jones are hit with a huge 60 million pound professional negligence claim
Mace & Jones Solicitors have been hit with a huge professional negligence claim to the tune of 60 million. The claim will progress if the solicitors acting for D Morgan, the claimant, can provide the courts with a detailed accountancy report by April 21st relating to losses suffered due to advice the firm provided on planning issues in connection with the Bold Heath Quarry in 1992.
The claim has already been in danger of being thrown out after the judge presiding, Mr Justice Coulson, ordered the claimant to provide the above report due to the lack of evidence provided in the initial claim, with an expert's report being used as the basis of that claim.
2 - Challenge made against new RTA process
The Accident Compensation Solicitors Group (ACSG) is planning a legal challenge against the Ministry of Justice over the new road traffic accident (RTA) claims process, claiming that the fixed costs implemented by the process "have not been based on proper research as to the true cost of running claims up to 10,000".
The scheme has has met with both criticism and acceptance by various sectors of the personal injury law community, with some claiming the new process has the potential to severely damage small compensation firms. More can be read about this issue in Claim Time's e-zine.
1 - Solicitors Regulations Society revises guidance for foreign lawyers
The Legal Services Board (LSB) has approved the Qualified Laywers Transfer Scheme (QLTS) set out by the Solicitor's Regulations Society. The alterations mean that solicitors from outside the Commonwealth get equal treatment to those within it, however all foreign applicants will have to pass an English test before gaining acceptance.
The experience requirement previously present in the scheme will also be scrapped, to make way for a new system based on practical assessment. The much delayed amendments should appease those who saw original plans as anti-diversity, and will come into effect later in the year.
For more personal injury news, head over to
by: Lee Price
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2024-12-4 16:13
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