Top 5 Christmas Dating Mistakes

Share: Dating can be tricky any time of year, but when it comes to the Christmas season
, there are a few dating mistakes you should avoid at all costs! Here are the top 5 Christmas dating mistakes and how to avoid them, so you can enjoy an emotionally-sound season.
1. Getting personal at the office Christmas party
Some people do meet their partners at work and in most cases this doesn't cause any problems at all. But the office Christmas party can lead to some pretty unusual behaviour and it's wise to think twice before acting on any advances! If you're already dating someone at work then keeping appearances professional in front of the boss is still a good idea. If you'd like to be dating someone from your office, and one of you makes a move, just consider the repercussions if your office party antics become common knowledge - and aim to keep your private life private.
2. Acting on impaired judgement
Tis the season to be merry, but just make sure your merry-making doesn't have lasting consequences that you will regret! Alcohol is flowing at Christmas time, and whether you're already dating someone, or you would like to start a new relationship, make sure you don't make any major dating decisions when your judgement might be impaired. For example, it's very easy to send emotionally charged text messages late at night after a boozy Christmas party, but virtually impossible to take them back when you realise what you've done the next morning!
3. Sending out the wrong messages
One of the most fun things about dating at Christmas is that you can really pull out all the stops when it comes to glitz and glamour. Single guys and girls alike would be wise to pamper themselves, dress up and look their very best at this time of year, but beware of the common Christmas downfall of sending out the wrong messages. Revealing a little too much during the Christmas party season isn't the basis for a great long term relationship. Keep it sexy but smart and you can't go wrong.
4. Getting carried away by the mistletoe
There's something about the Christmas season that leads to a very particular kind of dating disaster: moving things on too quickly. A kiss under the mistletoe is one thing, but make sure you're not getting too carried away by all that tinsel and remember that your memories of your close encounter will be there for life, not just for Christmas. Keep your usual wits about you and don't be dazzled by the sparkle into going further than you would normally with your dating partner.
5. Being a wallflower
Despite the dangers of moving too fast or making moves when you shouldn't, the Christmas season is really good time to meet new people. Dating at Christmas can be a lot of fun because there is so much going on, so if you'd like to start dating then don't be afraid to mingle at those Christmas parties - you might just find a special Christmas present that you'll want to keep forever!
by: Jessica A Parker
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