Top 10 Twitters App To Monetize Your Twitter Profile

Share: Twitter is most common used social networking website in 2009
. Most of the business owners and celebrities are using twitter now a day. Twitter is giving you power of communication in just using 140 characters.
Today Im going to share most useful 10 twitter applications for monetizing your twitter profiles. With the help of this application you can boost productivity of twitter profile like automization of tweet, sending a automated DM to your new followers etc. Following are the Twitter applications:
Twitter Feed Twitter Feed is specially designed for blogs whom are releasing their information via RSS or Atom Feed. You can also manage several Rss Feeds to automize your twitter account and it is also giving facility to post a new post at specified services at regular interval.
Tweet Deck - This desktop app helps you to update your twitter status and other social networking website like face book, My Space and Linked In. You can manage several twitter accounts easily.
Twilert Twilert provides you with the email updates of tweets containing the product, service and about any keyword you like.
Social Oomph Social Oomph is a twitter app which allows you to automization of your twitter account. It allows you to send a welcome DM to your new followers. You can also schedule a tweet and track your keywords with Social Oomph.
Twitter Holic This app tell about your static like followers, friends and Top among any other twitter user in particular region.
Tweet this - This application gives you easy to share link option with your friends and followers. You can also find new followers.
Twit Pic Twit Pic is easy to use application for sharing pictures to TwitPic from your phone, our API.
Twitter Grader This application show power of your twitter profile. It looks on variety of factors like number of followers, power of those followers and the level to which you are engaging the community.
Mr. Tweet - This app shows best news and conversations of yours for engaging with the people.
Friend or Follow This application allows you to find twitter name that is not following you back.
Hope these Twitter applications are help you for automization of your twitter account.
by: Simron Bird
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