Tired Of Running To The Station? Track Your Train Online

Share: The winters have come in and so has the season for fog and biting cold wind
. Along with this season comes in the season of delays for both rail and road. During this season of delayed trains, people have to wait long hours in the biting cold because they are stuck with nothing left to do. The Indian Railway System has been always in question for the quality of services being provided and has been criticised constantly over the years due to negligence. But the recent advances in the field of technology have created a wave of excitement and also led to development.
The railway system has recently introduced a service to track the actual position of their train. This service has created a system that provides the exact position of their train and informs the user about the delays which might have been or have already been caused because of the fog or any other western disturbances. This helps the system users or the travellers keep up with the position of the train and avoid long waiting hours at the station hence avoiding bad experiences.
The traditional system to track the trains was that a software system was set up by the Indian railways website which informed the train position, its actual departure time and the delay. But the problem with such a system was that the timings were not accurate and also to some extent the software had errors. Moreover the system could not provide the exact position of the train as is the new feature in the new service called as RailRadar which is powered by Google Maps. The Google maps service provides a graphical satellite image of the entire globe as well as the map view of any street in the world.
The RailRadar service uses Google Maps to track trains in a real time scenario which is the attractive feature. It is an easy to use software which is completely graphical with an option to search for the trains on left and the map view is shown along on the right side. Entering the name of the station will also fetch you the results. As of now, the facility is available for an approximate of 6500 train but has an upgradation coming up in the future.
The graphical representation of the map is done in two colours namely red and blue. While blue colour indicates that the train is right on time, the red colour is the sign for a delayed train. The exact delay and expected arrival is also mentioned. The features include a view of the number of live trains as well as the ratio of blue colour to red. To get exact details such as actual departure and expected arrival, you can click on the train name and get the expanded results. The service has brought a transformation to the Indian Railway System and since it has just been introduced, it will need some time before it running smoothly. But the service has definitely brought relief to the passengers. Hence it is so far the best method to track your train online.
by: stephans9517
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