Tips On Keeping The Excitement In Your Job
Share: Beginning a new project can be exciting, especially if you're going to be making changes to the process in which you're working
. Getting a new tool or a new machine or implementing new procedures for your job can be exciting, but also be full of anxiety. But usually the excitement doesn't last, there is a tapering off of the enthusiasm once the process has begun or is in progress.
But how do you keep that enthusiasm and excitement going once the initial excitement has worn off? One of the ways to do is to constantly and consistently remind everybody involved why the changes are being made and what it means to everybody that it's affecting. Why are the changes being made and why is it a good thing? These questions and answers must constantly be part of the dialog between the people that will be affected by the project.
In addition, any questions that people have regarding the project should be addressed in a professional and considerate manner. Remember, there are no bad questions and the question one person might ask may be one that many other people are thinking about but afraid to ask. You can't have progress without questions and by questioning things; you may come up with something that nobody has thought of yet.
So when that project does start, it will be greeted with enthusiasm and even though there may be some hard times and things may not be as smooth as you want, the frustration will be kept at a minimum because everybody knows what the end goal is. Looking forward to something is always better than when it actually arrives, it's the same as it is when you are lying awake on Christmas eve as a kid, trying to hear boots and hooves on the roof, as when you are looking forward to a big change at the office.
The anticipation is always more fun and exciting than when the event actually takes place, but keeping it going after the big day is the challenge. People are apt to lose interest after the big day, but they shouldn't lose sight of what all the fuss was about and potentially revert back to the old way of doing things. And that is what you really want to avoid because when you backwards, the progress stops. You need to always be progressing and improving if you want to get ahead of the competition.
by: Craig Calvin
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