Tips For Choosing Your Car Insurance

Share: The last month of the calendar year is assumed to be the best time to buy cars
. At this time car sellers lower car prices and throw in added benefits to met sales targets during the festive season. They try to cash in on Christmas and New Year celebrations by offering attractive deals to car buyers. But every new car also brings in a liability of car insurance. You can convert this into an opportunity by switching to a new insurance company which provides better terms and conditions for your insurance policy. What are the things you should know about car insurance to make a good purchase ?
To begin with , there are three categories in which car insurance can be classified :
Third party coverage : If you are responsible for any damage to another person's car or property and they file a claim against you , then this insurance comes to your rescue. In other words, it pays for third party claims against you.
Third party fire and theft : This insurance also addresses the needs of the third party to safeguard you when your car causes any damage to someone's property or car , but it also pays for any damages to your car due to fire or burglary attempts.
Comprehensive coverage : This is a form of insurance against all risks , but the cost is lower for the insured. A comprehensive policy provides coverage for all accidental damages, personal injuries suffered, loss or damage of personal property present in the vehicle, glass replacement. It also covers you against claims made by third party.
However, the difficulty of picking the best insurance for your car may be confusing and to make an appropriate choice when buying insurance auto insurance specialists advice drivers to make their judgment based on the age of their car.
Comprehensive coverage is suggested to the drivers when the car has been used less than five to six years , whereas for a car that has outlived a period of six years doesn't benefit from the comprehensive insurance because the repair costs for such a car may be more than the price it will fetch at the market.
The cost of insurance is calculated on the basis of several factors for example whether the driver is a female or male. Female drivers may get lower rates for car insurance as compared to their male counterparts. The make and model of your car also contribute to the cost of your insurance.
by: Mark Thomas..
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