Timeshare Points verses Timeshare Weeks - Pros and Cons. by:Robert J. Howells

Share: Deciding between timeshare points or timeshare weeks can be a tough call
. So, which way to go?
Well, the best thing to do is to take a look at your lifestyle.
If you want to return to your home resort each year at the same time for a full week or only travel in weekly increments or, if you are into steamy, private, romantic getaways just for two (and like having the excuse that you only have a limited amount of space), then it's easier to go with the weeks system and explain to friends or in-laws that there is no time left available. However, if you need or want to include other people in your timeshare from time to time, then you should probably consider the points system. Flexibility is the main advantage of the points system. Any size of unit can be chosen if you have enough points in your account and the unit is available. In the week's system, you are restricted to the same size unit as your home resort unit, or smaller, when you travel. Let's say, one time it is just you and your partner traveling; then a studio would be just right. Another time, it is the two of you and you decide to bring the kids and need a two bedroom, and another time, it is you and the kids and your parents or friends, or a group of friends - and you need a four bedroom. Or, let's say, you just feel like having a more or less luxurious space depending on your mood or needs for that trip With timeshare points, you have the flexibility of custom tailoring your wants to your needs at the time.
Take a look at these two scenarios:

Share: Scenario A: Timeshare Points
Let's say that you own a three-bedroom in a timeshare points system, for example. You may have enough points to take two weeks or more in a one or two bedroom or, take many mini-vacations in smaller units. You are not locked into the size or length of stay as in a timeshare week's system. With timeshare points, if you find that your plans change or life events affect your travel, or if you simply like to have the option of traveling when you want, you can plan a getaway at any time as long as you have the points and units are available. This part is the same in the week's system, but if you want to travel for only a few days, you would have to exchange the whole week and forfeit the remaining days.
Scenario B: Timeshare Weeks
If you like knowing that you will have the same length vacation time each year, then a timeshare week's model would be best for you. The good thing about this model is that it 'forces you' to take a vacation. So, if you are a workaholic personality, this may be best for you!
If you like to have your vacation at the same time each year and look forward to it always being at that time each year then timeshare weeks is a great solution. Note that with the week's system, you are typically restricted to having your week occur during the same time of year. You can also exchange your weeks for other time periods, just know that there is some planning and a bit of detail involved in the process.
With the timeshare points system, you aren't restricted to that seven day length of time usage. If you don't feel like using the entire week each year, you can use just a few nights, or more than the seven days depending on the points you have. The way that most of the weeks systems are set up require you to use the whole week each year, whether you want to or not. So, with timeshare points you have more freedom. If you are a weeks owner and your needs require you to exchange your weeks for another time period, sometimes you have to wait to find out the results of your week being processed. With timeshare points you can book the unit you choose at any time and know on the spot that you have a place to stay. Don't like to plan? No problem. With the points system, you can book any size unit when available for a minimum number of points by making reservations 45 days or less from check-in. If you are a timeshare week owner, you also have to realize that you are limited to the other resorts that are on the week's system. You don't get access to the resorts that are on a points system. It's estimated that more than 50% of the timeshare week's resorts have made the switch to the newer system of points. Also, know that you will pay exchange and membership fees to the exchange company annually, regardless of whether you own points or weeks.
In the weeks system, your expense for your annual maintenance fee is usually equal to one week's worth of vacation. In the timeshare points system, you still have the to pay the annual maintenance fee, but you can stretch your points to allow for more vacations each year and borrow points from next years allotment or rent additional points if needed. Point's members have found that they end up paying less per night of stay, in some cases anywhere from 25%, to 45% depending on the various fees.
So, you have to do some simple math and soul searching to figure out which style is right for you; timeshare weeks or timeshare points.
For a unique opportunity to test-drive a RCI Points timeshare for FREE for the next three years of usage with payment of the annual maintenance fee visit:
http://www.FreeTimeshareGiveaway.comAbout the author

Share: I am an internet marketer specializing in the timeshare and real estate field.
I develop internet marketing campaigns utilizing pay per click marketing with the major search engines. I create keyword optimized landing pages for organic search traffic. My goal is to create compelling offers and strong calls to action to maximize results from the traffic I generate. I have over 28 years in the timeshare sales and marketing field.
For a unique opportunity to test-drive a RCI Points timeshare for FREE for the next three years of usage with payment of the annual maintenance fee visit:
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Timeshare Points verses Timeshare Weeks - Pros and Cons. by:Robert J. Howells Copenhagen