Three Steps For Ensuring People Will Pay For Your Expertise

Share: If you want to earn more money from your expertise
, you need to work out what people will pay for.
Investing a bit of time in this step makes the difference between a highly successful business and a disappointing outcome.
The keys to this are:
- Finding out what people want

Share: - Ensuring they are happy to buy it
- Giving a clear justification why they should come to you.
The biggest reason people don't succeed with their business - apart from simply not trying - is that they try to 'educate the market' rather than give them what they already want.
1. What do people want?
One of the best ways to find out what people want is by using an Internet search engine like Google, even if you are not marketing primarily online.
Think about your area of expertise and then brainstorm a list of words that people would use to search for information about it in Google.
The next step is to check some of these keywords and see how often they are searched. Free online tools such as the Google Keyword Tool or Wordtracker's free version will help you do that. If you search online using these terms, you should easily find the free resources.
If you find that not many people are searching on your keywords,or you can't spot anything that people search for, you might want to reconsider your offer.
2. Are they willing to buy?
You can also use this process to get an idea of whether people are actually spending money in this market.
Look at the paid-for advertising that usually shows along the top or down the right of the search page. Where there are a number of advertisers, this suggest a good demand.
When you check out the sites that appear in your search, you'll learn more about the market.
3. Explaining Your Service
Even when you know there is a market for your offer, you need to be able to outline it to others so that it is attractive and specifies why they should buy it from you.
So you need to think about what the outcome will be for them of buying your expertise. You need to consider the result they will get rather than the process of what you do.
To do this, you need to be able to sum up in a few words why they need what you are selling, why it justifies their interest and why they should buy it from you.
When you can do that, you will not only be able to attract many buyers, you'll also find a steady stream of clients approaching you willing to pay more for your other services.
by: Robert Greenshields
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