Three Reasons Why More African & Caribbean Adult Males Inthe Uk Fall Victims Of Prostate Cancer
Why Every African & Caribbean Adult Male Must Wake Up To The Risks Of Prostate Cancer Now!
It is official! ? ?African & Caribbean men in the UK have approximately "three times" greater risk of developing prostate cancer than Caucasian men!? Thirty-six thousand (36,000) adult males are diagnosed with prostate cancer yearly in the United Kingdom; and as much as 11,000 deaths result from that every year. It is not impossible that as much as half of the 11,000 prostate cancer deaths every year may be within our ethnic group alone. WHY?
Here are Three Crucial Factors, according to research: 1. We (African & Caribbean) adult males remain the least aware of the risks of prostate cancer, signs, and symptoms. According to recent study (Cancer Research), it was found that less than 15% of us actually know they are at greater risk. And less than 37% of us have actually heard about prostate cancer.
2. A "strong" cultural, dietary or genetic predisposition towards prostate diseases within the African ethnic group! The high rate of prostate cases among our adult men in the UK, (also found among African-Americans in the US), seems to be replicated in adult males in the Caribbean Islands and Africa continent itself, predominantly in the West of Africa. It is a pattern which appears to tie with the transatlantic trade route connection.
3. Quietly, prostate cancer is, for whatever reason seen as a "taboo" in our community; something that shouldn't be brought out in the open. Some wives even help their husbands to keep it secret thinking it will go away; while the men die in silence. You won't believe when I tell you that almost one out of every three persons that hear about ACPAF, has a personal account of a recent prostate casualty they know-of, within our ethnic community here in the UK.
In the words of the legend "Benjamin Zephaniah" - "Man and man must talk about these things, is no shameful thing, you is not a man because you suffer in silence, you is not a man because you haven?t been to a Doctor in twenty years, no man, we have to find another way. As man we must learn to communicate and really care about our bodies and ourselves." - Benjamin
As an African or Caribbean male of 30years or above, the price for sitting back and doing nothing is too high. Prostate Cancer is preventable!
Refs: the PROCESS Chort Study Euro Urology 2008, Ethnibus Research Report 2008, Cancer Research Uk
by: Elliott Omose
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Three Reasons Why More African & Caribbean Adult Males Inthe Uk Fall Victims Of Prostate Cancer