Third trimester of pregnancy (from week 23 to the moment the child is born)
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During the third trimester the uterus is actively growing, fetal movements are increasing, and labor pains may sometimes occur. They should only last for several minutes and stop after the body position changes. These labor pains push the fetus towards the maternal passages. That is why there is no reason to be scared. However, in the case of frequent labor pains (several times per hour) it is important to consult a doctor.The increased pressure of the uterus on the urinary bladder may cause frequent urination. As the expanding uterus pushes the diaphragm, and the baby requires enough oxygen, the woman may feel shortness of breath. The pregnant woman may feel tired and suffer from sleeping problems. The reason for it is increasing physical and emotional stress.
Some kinds of malformation and swellings can be detected during the third trimester. Often, the general condition of the pregnant woman (late pregnancy toxemia, for example) can trigger blood flow problems in the uterine vessels, as well as placental and umbilical vessels. These changes can be the cause of abnormalities of fetal growth and development, and oxygen starvation.An incorrect positioning of the fetus can also be revealed during this period and it is vital to detect any abnormalities beforehand as it defines the steps to be taken during the birth process.All pregnant women should regularly consult their obstetrician-gynecologist, who will be able to detect and explain all changes over the course of pregnancy.these changes can be the cause of abnormalities of fetal growth and development, and oxygen starvation.An incorrect positioning of the fetus can also be revealed during this period and it is vital to detect any abnormalities beforehand as it defines the steps to be taken during the birth process.All pregnant women should regularly consult their obstetrician-gynecologist, who will be able to detect and explain all changes over the course of pregnancy.
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Third trimester of pregnancy (from week 23 to the moment the child is born) Ann Arbor