Thinking From A Profit Point Of View by:Samantha Milner
I know this may sound daft but you will be amazed by how many people never think of their online business from a profit point of view
. The truth is though that until you do you will not be in a position to enjoy the lifestyle that you crave.
I had a client that was just like it and even after consulting with me went about it in a completely different way. She was involved in the health niche and was a former nurse so the perfect person for making product after product without any REAL effort. She had created a brand new e-book about mental health issues in children and it was really good and I was really impressed by it as it was her very first product.
However the product was way too long and covered way too many illnesses, it was marked at $47 which I thought was too expensive. It covered that many illnesses that it came across as rather complicated rather than an easy to follow how to publication.
I suggested to her that she split it up into 10 different how to viral e-books each covering the basics on certain illnesses that parents would be searching Google for 24/7. Then instead of charging for them offering them to the public for free as viral reports and list builders.
Once this was done to create a website with information for each illness along with adsense and the chance to download the PDFs. There would then be a section with premium publications where people could buy in depth e-books into each of the ten topics for $27 each. This way people are over the moon at getting the free taster and will then come back when they see how beautifully written your work is and buy the premium version.
Plus without the use of viral marketing it is so much harder to get your name and brand on Google without paying for Adwords. My client just wanted a quick fix and didn't consider the long term profit that would be available if the product and marketing was done through proper tested methods.
Before I get lots of emails back asking me about her, she came back to me two months later and we have now followed the methods above and her viral income has gone off like a rocket. That is why it is always important to think from a profit point of view not just a quick surge of cash.
About the author
Samantha Milner is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the owner of DSM Publishing: