Things You Should Know Before You Buy A Boxer

Share: Things You Should Know Before You Buy A Boxer
Author: Tom Davison - Boxers For Life
There are a number of important factors you need to consider before getting a Boxer puppy so that you don't run into unforeseen problems like - Accommodations : Can you have animals where you live? (Boxers are a quiet dogs) Do you need dog liability insurance? (some places require it) Do you have time for your Boxer? (a Boxer requires a lot of time, attention and love) Can you afford a Boxer? (buying, Equipment, maintenance, dog license and immunizations). Because your Boxer needs a good home where he/she can remain all of his/her life, because the worst thing that could happen is the change home to home or even ending up in a shelter.Your Boxer bonds entirely to its master and family it lives with and every interruption to this bond is very painful so you take on the entire responsibility for your Boxer with many years of companionship and loyalty to come.
Now there are many places to get a Boxer puppy the best being from a recognized breeder, of course there are many more places for getting Boxer puppy s' : The American Boxer Club for a list of recognized breeders, Pet Shops, Private Breeders, Animal Shelters and Rescue Shelters are just to name a few all of which you should really do your homework and research on because you want to get a healthy Boxer.

Share: Here are some things you need to look for: Take a look at how well the puppy s' are kept (are they clean is the kennel clean) for this is a important factor in their health, appearance and well being, age of the puppies the best time to get a puppy is between the eighth and twelfth week (no more no less) because you want it to be fully weaned from it's mother and you don't want to start the training to late. Another important factor, is the puppy's coat shiny and smooth, eyes clear, are the legs and back straight and is he alert. The first worming and immunizations should have already been done with the records for the puppy on hand most of the reliable breeders and pet stores will have this already done for you.
If you plan to breed or show the dog a registered pedigree with the American Kennel Club ( akc papers is a must ) you can do without the AKC papers if your new Boxer puppy is just going to be a family dog, watchdog and your loyal-true friend. Always Remember: when lifting your puppy up use two hands one at the chest and the other to support the rear end, this is very important and the most important always love your Boxer dog.
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