Things To Do And Not To Do In Vietnam

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Things Not To Do In Vietnam
1. Do not drink tap water. Only drink water from sealed bottles that you can get in hotel or convenient stores and drink plenty of them.
2. Do not wear a lot of rings, necklace, bracelet, expensive watch and expose to others. Never carry cash that is more than your daily need, since safety is still an issue in Vietnam.
3. When crossing street, make sure not to change your speed half way, do not run or step backward as the traffic there is kind of messy.
4. Never ever use money changer on the street. You find some missing notes or fake one later.
5. Do not change all your US dollars at one time, as it is too troublesome to hold so much Vietnam Dong with you.
6. Do not wear shorts, dresses or skirts, singlets, tops with low neck lines or tube with bares shoulders to pagodas and temple.
7. Never ever sit with your feet is pointing towards the family altar in someone house.
8. Do argue or loss temper in public especially when bargaining for a purchase, as you will be getting same reaction in return.
Things To Do or Should Do in Vietnam
1. Keep all yellow immigration slip with passport for getting out from the country, also keep like couple of hundred Vietnam Dong for leaving the countries as you need to pay tax and could be useful.
2. Keep all your cash, passport, credit cards, air tickets and valuables in hotel safety box. A copy of your passport is good enough with you.
3. Always keep a hotel business card with you when ever you go out for sight seeing.
4. Change your US dollars big notes to many US$1, US$5 and US$10 bills, it is useful for paying taxi driver and purchase in the local markets.
5. Only take taxi with the logo on the car, usually not running on meter, so price need to negotiate before hire. Also write down all destination in paper is good practice to help you getting around easier as not all the locals are well English converse.
6. Bargain, never stop bargain on everything you plan to buy. Get firm with your top price and compare at least 3 more shops before closing the deal as a lot of the shops are selling similar stuff.
7. Ask permission when taking the local folks photograph, or photos of their houses, kids, ladies and others.
8. Be sure to keep as much of toilet paper with you, as the public toilet usually run out of paper.
Hope this is helpful and enjoy your trip in Vietnam!
by: Almond Hazel
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