There Are Amazing Treatment Options For Frozen Shoulders
Share: A frozen shoulder can result in a severe painful shoulder joint
. Motion is restricted to the point that the shoulder is frozen in place. The patient does not necessarily have to do anything to cause a frozen shoulder; this condition can occur without any injury. Occasionally, a shoulder strain can result in an injury and the shoulder eventually becomes frozen.
The more likely factor is age related. Patients between 40 and 60 years of age are more likely to experience a frozen shoulder. For an unknown reason, twice the number of women are afflicted. Endocrine disorders tend to predispose patients to the risk of the frozen shoulder. Diabetics are particularly at risk. A thyroid problem is another endocrine issue that can cause a frozen shoulder.
Patients who allow themselves to become immobilized after a shoulder injury can develop a frozen shoulder joint. It is essential that physical therapy be acquired after surgery or a shoulder injury to keep the shoulder from freezing up. Other physical problems such as heart disease and Parkinson's disease have been associated with a higher risk for developing a frozen shoulder. The symptoms of a frozen shoulder are stiffness and movement of the shoulder become very painful if it can be moved at all. This is time to see a specialized frozen shoulder clinic.
An x-ray is made first to determine if the shoulder joint appears normal, and there is no evidence of injury. An MRI will be made to determine if the rotator cuff is damaged, and it will help assess the degree of scarring in the shoulder capsule. There are amazingly successful frozen shoulder treatment specialists that use a non- invasive surgical procedure. No incisions are made at any time. Patients undergoing the operation receive local injections of anesthetics to make them comfortable. The term operation does not imply an invasive procedure.
Share: This treatment procedure for the frozen shoulder condition has gained recognition by many as the worlds most successful procedure for Frozen Shoulder repair. Many patients from around the world travel to see one of the frozen shoulder specialists at one of the clinics. The customary frozen shoulder treatment is pain medications and prolonged horribly painful physical therapy sessions for very long periods of time. The standard treatments can make the condition worse. These patients usually find that their suffering increases as does their frustration level.
The revolutionary highly successful treatment of a frozen shoulder is a non-surgical capsular dissection operation. Some specialized methods will be concurrently applied by the physician conducting the operation to achieve prompt shoulder mobilization as the non-surgical procedure begins to free the frozen shoulder. In most instances, patients have an immediate range of motion unlike they have known. The amazing aspect of this operation is the re-mobilization of the frozen shoulder only requires a few seconds. Patients will have post-op exercises which they will be required to do at prescribed times for three days. It is recommended that patients attend follow up physical therapy exercises. These rehabilitation sessions will fully restore muscle tone and strength weakened through lengthy immobilization.
by: Patrick Thompson
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