The green route looks a promising way to fight cancer
The green route looks a promising way to fight cancer
Their cancer-fighting properties are understood to come from a phytochemical type contained in them, known as isothiocyanates. These are believed to be especially good at breaking down carcinogens, or cancer-causing substances, in our bodies. Recent studies have found that these isothiocyanates, when released into the body, can pinpoint the mutant genes present in our bodies, and prevent them from doing their work. One particular gene, the p53, is known to ward off tumours, keep cells healthy, and protect them from becoming cancerous.
The p53 gene is believed to be responsible for causing the cell deterioration which is responsible for about half of all cancers found in humans. Isothiocyanites, commonly known as ITCs, have been subjected to detailed study by researchers at Georgetown University in Washington, USA. They have seen and documented the remarkable effects which these substances can have in destroying the p53 gene. Their tests have included cancerous human lung, colon and breast cells, and in each of these instances, they reported that defective variants of the p53 gene were removed, while their healthy siblings remained untouched.
While broccoli is widely regarded as the best producer of isothiocyanates, they are also present in several green and root vegetables. These include cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, radishes, watercress, Brussels sprouts, arugula and kale. The ability of broccoli sprouts to protect against cancer development has been documented in several influential studies. Rats fed broccoli spears, or sprouts, have been observed to be able to better resist the harmful effects of potentially damaging carcinogens injected into their bodies, their resulting tumours being slower-growing, smaller and more sporadic.
Human-based testing has included giving three or more servings of half a cup of broccoli each to a group of men aged between 40 and 64. This level of consumption was said to have produced enough isothiocyanates to reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer by more than 40 per cent.
Studies into how our bodies react with various naturally-occurring substances are the cornerstones of modern drug discovery. The challenge faced by medicinal chemistry research is then to create drugs which have the desired preventative effects, in a form which is assimilated most effectively by the human body.
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