The White Card For The Australian Construction Industry - Options For Getting Yours
Share: During 2009 most Australian states adopted the National construction induction WH&S/OH&S
course known as the White Card(CPCCOHS1001A 'Work safely in the construction industry').
This has meant the previous different coloured cards, such as the Blue Card, Red Card and Green Card are not offered any more as valid cards, so if you lose one of these cards, you will have to sit the White Card course, as it is slightly expanded in its content.
Also, many Blue Chip construction companies, who have high level commitments to workplace health and safety are insisting that all staff and contractors are holders of a current White Card.
The course covers important aspects of safety on a construction site, which can range from a large development or highway construction site, through to a major renovation of a reidential dwelling and everything in between.
Share: There are basically two options you can choose from to get your White Card.
1. Face to face, classroom style course
2. Online course
1. The face to face classroom style is the old style of training. The outcome can be good, if you get a good trainer and a well designed course, but if the trainer's had a big night out the night before, the presentation can be somewhat variable!
The big disadvantage is the amount of time off the job it takes to get your White Card this way. Typically 6 hours of training, plus travelling and parking time... it essentially is a day away from work.
2. The alternative is to do your course online. This option too, has variable ranges of quality depending on which company you choose to go with. The cheapest is not alwyas the best, and beware that some blue chip firms have internal policies not to accept certain online firms, because the quality of their assessment processes are deemed to be rather dodgy!
The quality providers offer excellent courses in easy to learn multi media format, with assessments that ensure you are actually learning the content.
There are several requirements set up by gonverment to cater specifically for online training. These include the need to get someone to witness you doing an assessment without assistance from anyone else; getting a Stat Dec (provided) signed off by a Justice of the Peace or a Commissioner for Declarations, or a lawyer. You will also need to provide a form of photo ID, and have this certified by the JP as well.
The online learning option provides much more flexibility, as you can stop and start the course from the comfort of your home in the evenings, or at work. Overall the time taken for an online course is about two to three hours.
by: Deborah Whittaker
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The White Card For The Australian Construction Industry - Options For Getting Yours