The Truth Review On Auto Wealth Maker By Eric Rockefeller

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I was able to get access to Auto Wealth Maker before it went live and here The Truth Review On Auto Wealth Maker By Eric Rockefellerwill show you how I use it and if it's for you.
In a nutshell, this software is for marketers who find it hard to stay organized and on task. Auto Wealth Maker combines the tasks of MANY jobs into one convenient location so you no longer have to search all over the Internet finding information.
>> Want to Buy For ONLY $47? Click Here

Share: Before I show you all, let me tell you what AutoWealthMaker can do..Auto Wealth Maker has taken 6+ months and over $20,000 to develop. It's has numerous features that allow you to do all the following in one convenient admin panel.
Niche Keyword Research
From idea to detailed, easy to understand, star rating system, showing exactly which keywords have the best chance of success.
Competition Analysis
Indepth analysis of website competition, for any Niche, including how long they've been around, how Google ranks them (PageRank), plus lots of other useful indicators.
Earnings Projections
See exactly what your daily earning potential is for any Niche, traffic volume, Google Adsense and Amazon commission, all detailed for your convienance.
Search Engine Optimization
Benefit from free traffic to your site with an SEO focused site, from image names, to meta tags, all taken care of, so you don't have to worry about it.
Drop N Drag Site Builder
Design and build your website in minutes, with simple drag and drop interface, no restrictions, no limits, no technical skills needed, just intuitive mouse control.
Make money from Google Adsense (CPC) and Amazon Affiliate (CPA), contextual ads and products, all done at the click of a button. Use your own accounts, so you know you're not sharing your earnings.
Traffic Generation
Generate 1000s of backlinks to your sites and generate real on topic visitors, with the automated blog posting tool and advanced SEO strategies.
1-Click Domain Buying
Find and buy domains all at the click of a button, find your pefect domain, or use a sub-domain for Free.
Cloud Hosting
Your site ready to go from the moment you choose its domain name, all hosted on world class Cloud Web Servers, always available and capable no-matter how much traffic your site gets.
Portfolio Management
At a glance management, grouping and editing of all your websites.
We don't just give you the tools to get the job done, we provide detailed education on how to make the strategies work and your efforts pay off.
World class support via webinars, forums, blog and ticket system.
If you have been marketing online for anytime at all, you know how stressful it can be just trying to keep up with everything and making sure it's organized. Auto Wealth Maker is your solution!
I don't know what else to say.I highly recommend Auto Wealth Maker! Not to mention it was crafted from some of the most experienced guys online who KNOW what they are doing. Understand also that the $47 cost to purchase this system entitles you to credits that allow you to use some of the features incorporated with Auto Wealth Maker. Obviously, you won't be able to get new domain names and endless hosting for your websites for free so as you add more, you will have to buy additional credits.
And don't worry if you think it will be difficult to use, because it's VERY easy. Plus there are 12 videos to guide you along the way.
>> Check out the Video here
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