The Truth About Your Health Insurance That Your Insurance Company Won't Tell You
So you have insurance and everything is great and you are sleeping easy knowing that nothing can affect you since are covered for any problems you might face
, right? Wrong. Have you read your insurance policy? Most of them are vague and, if you read the fine print and the details, you will likely find out that you aren't covered as well as you think you are.
The day will come however where the words that are contained in that insurance policy come back to bite you. This occurs because most people examine their health insurance policy only as far as the percentage covered and deductibles go. Past that most people don't give much thought to the rest of their health insurance policy...until, that day comes when they have to be hospitalized or have extensive treatment for an injury or illness.
Insurance companies are in the business of making money first and helping their clients as way farther down the list of priorities. They are not there to be good Samaritans no matter what their commercials sound like. Check your policy so that you understand what you are covered for from top to bottom. Peace of mind is a great thing and you will feel that way after reviewing your policy.
As long as you pay your premiums, the health insurance companies really aren't paying a lot of attention to your personal needs, so it's up to you to take care of it yourself. Do you need to be pre-approved before hospital admission? What about things that are not life threatening? Check it all out and take all the time you need asking questions to your current insurance carrier and you might be surprised.
Read every word of your policy clearly. Some of it won't make sense but at least you can get a grip on what is covered and what isn't and how much you need to pay out of your own pocket. Figure out what illnesses and injuries are covered before your kitchen table is covered with bills from collection agencies.