The Truth About Teeth Whitening
The Truth About Teeth Whitening
The Truth About Teeth Whitening
Have you ever wondered why a lot of people seem to hide their smile?Indeed, nothing beats a genuine beaming smile. But hey, something seems to be wrong with that beaming smile. Could it just be your eyes, or it there really some sort of discoloration on those seemingly perfect teeth?A lot of people may not know this, but healthy teeth are a crucial aspect in a having a healthy and successful life. This may sound harsh, but great oral care can attribute to self confidence and is a leading factor when making a first impression. Sadly, first impressions last; thus it is always important to make a great first impression. Whether you like it or not, the teeth are the frontrunners of your face. Every time you open your mouth, either to smile or to speak, the teeth always show off. Thus, when something seems to be wrong with the teeth, it makes people lose their confidence most especially when they speak, or even just smile.One of the most popular ways of improving the aesthetic conditions of teeth is teeth whitening. This is the most requested cosmetic dental procedure nowadays. Teeth whitening are designed to enhance the appearance of the teeth by reducing tooth discoloration and staining to stage a brighter and whiter smile. There are a variety of tooth whitening methods available today. Teeth whitening need not actually be done in dental clinics at all. There are basically three major options today including in-office whitening, professionally dispensed take-home whitening kits, and over-the-counter whitening. But how should you know which teeth whitening method is more effective and fast acting?Teeth whitening done in dental clinics are performed through one-hour bleaching sessions with the dentist. Teeth are whitened by removing dirt and debris from its surface using whitening products that produce brighter and whiter teeth. The frequency of sessions may vary depending on the improvement that is manifested on the teeth. One of the greatest advantages of in-office whitening is the significant color change in a short period of time. Thus, if you want faster results, in-office whitening is highly recommended. However, this method is a little costly but the results are really worth every penny.On the other hand, over-the-counter whitening is actually making use of whitening products that are available in pharmacies and stores. These are peroxide-based teeth whiteners which can be purchased over the counter without any prescription at all. In a way, over-the-counter whitening products are more convenient compared to in-office treatments because you don't have to make appointments with your dentist and you can conduct the whitening in your own home. However, teeth whitening creams, gels, strips, and toothpastes do not have the same effect as one done in a dental office. Moreover, the results take a longer period to significantly manifest and the results do not outlast that of teeth whitening performed in a dental office.As such, you can always choose whatever method is convenient for you and whichever is appropriate for your budget.
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