The Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum In Chattanooga, Tennessee - A Great Vacation And Travel Destina

Share: The Tennessee Valley Railroad is a great stop for all visitors to the great state of Tennessee
. There are many different things to see at this vacation destination and is perfect for kids of all ages. You will find plenty of different train ride options from about an hour to as long as six hours. Choose the option that works best for your schedule and family.
For example, the Missionary Ridge Local is a quick 55 minute ride, but it is full of fun and excitement. Riders will get a guided tour to the restoration shop as well as the experience of passing through a Civil War era tunnel. That is an amazing experience and it is six miles long starting from Grand Junction Station to East Chattanooga Depot and then back again. You will travel the original railroads used in the early days and see one of the oldest railroad tunnels in Tennessee. Once you arrive in East Chattanooga you will see how the train actually turns around! This ride is $14 for adults, $8 for children 3-12 and free for 2 and under.
Train aficionados who want to spend a longer period of time on the train will want to try the Chickamauga Turn. This roundtrip ride heads to Chickamauga, Georgia, and then returns to Tennessee. This is a historic train ride that is informational, educational, and fun filled! This ride is on a vintage diesel locomotive with motive power. The cost for adults is $32 and $24 for kids 3-12.
Throughout the year train enthusiasts will be able to ride the rails for an entire day on a Dixie Land Excursion. These excursions are offered throughout the year and requires planning in advance. You can even plan to charter a train for a ride with a special group. This may be your church group, school, or another group.

Share: An even longer ride is the Dixie Land Excursion that takes travelers on a 100 mile trip. The passenger train from the 1950s has been restored and lets travelers enjoy a long ride along with views of autumn foliage. Regardless of what ride you take you will certainly have a lot of fun and make memories that will last forever.
There is a website that has great information on USA Vacations and Unique Travel Spots Listed State By State and Season, the website is called: Seasonal Vacation Spots, and can be found at this url:
By Robert W. Benjamin
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by: Robert W. Benjamin
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The Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum In Chattanooga, Tennessee - A Great Vacation And Travel Destina Kista