The Symbol Of Personal Creation

Share: Early in the morning of July 17, 1991 in Wiltshire County
, Wessex, England, near the base of a Neolithic hill fort named Barbury Castle, a vast, tetrahedral design of around twelve thousand (12,000) square yards manifested in a wheat field. Mysterious lights could be seen along with the sound of massive and prolonged thunder that lasted far too long to be considered as originating from an ordinary electrical storm.
The electrical power to a nearby town was also lost and the local military base moved all its helicopters as fast as possible to investigate the commotion. After the military temporarily blocked access to the formation, a witness going directly into the wheat field pattern was overwhelmed by a huge electric charge in the air causing his ears to hurt and the hairs on his arms to bristle.
As a spiritualist, I believe that some crop circles are the result of an advanced scientific method developed by extraterrestrials (possibly in collaboration with some human souls from the astral worlds) existing on a slightly higher vibration rate than that of the Earth's material vibration rate.
Plants, such as wheat or corn stalks, are biochemically sensitive enough to be affected in ways not normally possible with non-living material forms. When extraterrestrial space craft reach our level of vibration, they appear in our atmosphere and even sometimes try to land. If they have a visual method of communication, and wished to leave evidence of their visit, would it not most likely consist of the sort of geometric shapes, images and symbols often found in crop circles?

Share: Unfortunately, over eighty percent of crop circles are man-made hoaxes where the plants are broken and look trampled in a somewhat chaotic way. However, in some crop circles, all the stems are only bent as if they were radiated from one side without any evidence of trampling whatsoever. Additional phenomena would also be observed such as strange balls of light, high radiation counter readings along with intense electrostatic fields similar to those experienced by very credible witnesses at the RAF Bentwaters Rendlesham Forest incident.
The design itself, being highly significant in sacred Hermetic wisdom, is equally remarkable. It contains the overriding order of the cosmos that seemed to be at the foundation of all archaic communities, while containing a repository of geometrical, musical and arithmetic harmonies. It portrays the Trinity of Creation and the oneness of the Supreme Being. Some scholars and mystics interpret this symbol as representing the three etherial elements of the cosmic egg (a sacred design of creation) represented as sulphur, mercury, and ether, being transformed into the material elements by the inhalation and exhalation of the Supreme Being.
The complete area of the three encompassing circles equals the area of the central circle. The addition of the total area of all the circles comes to 31,680 square feet. 3168 is also the gematrian numeral symbolic of the Christ incarnation. According to certain pagan religions 3168 is the number of the Creator as being the loftiest principle.
The Personal Creation Shape Contains Multiple Key Cosmic Equations
The form of the Personal Creation consists of he most essential conglomeration of mathematical patterns and numbers that can be contained in one elegant symbol. This symbol includes the Fibonacci series, Pi value, along with certain aspects of the Seed of Life, the Flower of Life, the Fruit of Life and the Tree of Life. The universal geometric designs found in fields work as an advanced tool of communication for personal enrichment and vital consciousness. These cosmic shapes seem to have a greater impact on the subconscious mind and physical body than on the rational mind which cannot fully or intuitively grasp the total meaning of these designs.

Share: If there is a genetic library containing all the knowledge of the universe encrypted within our selves, is it possible that the shape of Personal Creation symbol could interact with this inner "library"? Could this be why one often feels strongly attracted to this symbol? I personally would love to meditate on this symbol all day long if I had the time to do so! When I first glanced at this symbol, I immediately knew it could easily represent the "Tri-Unity" of creation and my own personal theory of how all reality originates from an eternal equation involving three extreme numbers or values: absolute nothing, the great oneness, and the strongest infinity possible.
Paths to Personal Creation
The entire cosmos seems to consist of three elements (frequencies, geometrical patterns and light) all hidden within the Personal Creation image. In the near future of the Earth, various transitions will happen bringing in novel and exciting paths to Personal Creation, spiritual evolution, and the discovery of the true meaning behind all life in existence.
by: Russell Symonds
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2024-12-4 16:14
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