The Rise of Mercury Free Dentists
The Rise of Mercury Free Dentists
The Rise of Mercury Free Dentists
For people whose jobs are in the medical field, it is important to undergo continuous education and to commit themselves in the art of continuous learning. There are emerging techniques and technological advancements that can help them provide a safer, healthier and more effective treatment. This requirement to understand the need for constant and ensuing education is also important for dentists as they keep our teeth and gums healthy and free from diseases. In fact, today's newest discovery on helping the teeth achieve more protection and prevention from cavities has formed mercury free dentists, all of which offer dental amalgam fillings that have no mercury in them whatsoever.
Mercury, otherwise named as quicksilver because of its heavy, silvery appearance, is commonly used for dental amalgams in combination with tin, silver and chromium. Dental fillings are utilized to fill the drilled openings where dentists have taken out the cavities from the tooth. The amalgams are responsible for preventing the food and other debris from entering the drilled openings and causing possible infection and more damage. First used in the year 1850s, mercury was mixed with silver and tin to create an amalgam that can withstand the pressure of the teeth. Although thought of to be safe at that time, mercury has proven to be quite an adversary in maintaining a healthy and safe dentistry. At that mercury free dentists has began their worldwide advocacies against mercury filled dental amalgams.
Mercury poisoning, also known as mercurialism or hydragyria, is a state in which the person afflicted is exposed to harmful levels of mercury, whether by food, by water or through direct inhalation. Mercury free dentists aim to get rid of mercury filled amalgams and present healthier options through porcelain dental fillings. Mercury has long been recognized as a highly reactive toxic agent that can produce harmful effects in the body. It can cause damage in the nervous system, kidneys, the endocrine system and other important organs in the body. It is also highly toxic to fetuses, infants and children resulting to various congenital diseases, anomalies and even death. In the year 2008, the use of mercury amalgams has been banned in the countries Norway, Sweden and Denmark to answer the increasing possibility of mercury poisoning in people who have mercury fillings.
The rise of mercury free dentists began in response to the toxicity that is acquired by most people who have mercury amalgams. Instead of using mercury, these dentists use porcelain to fill the drilled holes in the teeth. It is safer, healthier and it does not emit harmful vapors that are more likely to occur with mercury dental fillings. They use holistic materials for dental treatment to ensure that you are not exposed to any toxic stuff and that your treatment is safe and effective for years to come through the use of porcelain dental fillings and alternative toothpastes that are free from fluoride.
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